raising kids

Family feud siblings stepchild blended family family dynamics aita AITAH teens kids teenagers parenting reddit thread parent raising kids Parenting Fail parents children dad Bad Dad

Dad demands $40k of 19-year-old's inheritance and savings after abandoning him as a child: 'I haven't lived with my father in 5 years'

family family drama Family feud siblings blended family family dynamics aita AITAH teens kids teenagers moms parenting reddit thread parent raising kids Parenting Fail parents children

17-year-old says he's no longer babysitting his 38-year-old sister's 7-year-old and 5-year-old children: 'I never really had a say in this decision '

family drama siblings family feud family Family family dynamics teens stepmother aita AITAH kids teenagers moms parenting reddit thread parent raising kids Parenting Fail parents children - 39065861

16-year-old moves out of family home after finding herself the scapegoat and being blamed by her 15-year-old for a school-wide cheating scandal: 'My stepmother told me if I didn't apologize I could forget my dad helping me pay for college'

AITA for telling my adoptive parents I feel anger towards them?

19-year-old discovers that she was adopted and becomes angry with her adopted parents, sparking an argument with her mother: 'I told them it’s best I should leave'

family family drama Family feud family dynamics aita AITAH teens infant kids teenagers moms parenting pregnant reddit thread parent raising kids Parenting Fail parents children

Woman steals mother's porcelain doll from her 10-year-old niece wonders if she's wrong after rest are destroyed in a fire years after

Babies family dynamics teens family drama stepmother aita AITAH infant kids teenagers blended family siblings stepchild moms family feud parenting family pregnant reddit thread parent raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Family - 38881541

17-year-old boy tells stepmother that she "was never important" after refusing to spend Mother's Day with her last year: 'I never even saw her as family'

family family drama Family feud blended family family dynamics aita AITAH teens kids teenagers parenting reddit thread parent raising kids Parenting Fail parents children grandparents

16-year-old tells grandparents that he has "no family" after being let down by his parents and extended family: 'My parents used to fight [about who] had to take me'

family family drama Family feud siblings stepmother stepchild blended family family dynamics aita AITAH kids moms parenting reddit thread parent raising kids Parenting Fail parents children

Step-grandma insists on pink-themed surprise party for 5-year-old despite her instance she hates the color, mom takes her home: 'We’re not coming. We’re taking the kids to McDonalds'

Babies family dynamics teens family drama stepmother aita AITAH infant kids teenagers blended family siblings stepchild moms family feud parenting family pregnant reddit thread parent raising kids Parenting Fail parents children - 38821381

15-year-old tells her parents that she doesn't regard her 6-year-old foster sister as a sibling, despite foster sister's wishes: 'Her birthday wish was that I loved her back'

family family drama Family feud siblings stepmother stepchild blended family family dynamics aita AITAH Babies teens infant kids teenagers moms parenting kids Parenting Fail parents children

16-year-old accused of "making a scene" at stepsister's birthday party after standing up for himself to her aunt: 'Things spiraled out of control pretty quickly'

childcare Babies teens family drama aita infant wedding drama kids brother sibling rivalry teenagers siblings moms family feud parenting wedding dad family cute kids pregnant reddit thread parent Reddit raising kids weddings Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS Parenting - 38775813

16-year old pressured by parents to give them his savings to support his younger siblings: 'My parents are bad with money'

Babies family dynamics teens family drama stepmother aita AITAH infant kids teenagers blended family siblings stepchild moms family feud parenting family pregnant reddit thread parent raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Family - 38778117

15-year-old gets blamed and grounded for 12-year-old cousin's behavior while they were babysitting him: 'He lied that I had friends over'

Babies family dynamics teens family drama stepmother aita AITAH infant kids teenagers blended family siblings stepchild moms family feud parenting family pregnant reddit thread parent raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Family - 38734085

Pushy step-grandma insists that 14-year-old call her “grandma," despite teen not wanting to do so: 'I don't want to call her grandma'

Babies family dynamics teens family drama stepmother aita AITAH infant kids teenagers blended family siblings stepchild moms family feud parenting family pregnant reddit thread parent raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Family - 38495749

17-year old tells her new stepmother that she doesn't want to be her "daughter": 'She has a photo frame in her home office that says mommy's girl and there's a photo of me in it'

wedding wedding drama weddings kids parenting childcare aita moms dad raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS

Friend brings her 4-year-old to a child-free wedding and lets him run wild, accusing bride of being a hypocrite for bringing her own child: 'It ruined the whole first part of my wedding'

childcare teens aita kids brother teenagers siblings moms parenting dad sister reddit thread parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting - 38537221

Parents kick 17-year-old brother out of house for telling 15-year-old sister that she's their favorite child: 'The favoritism mostly showed in them spoiling her and dedicating 1:1 time for her while they never made much of an effort with me'