

AITA for calling a guy a nepo-hire after he said I'm a diversity hire?

Nepotism Hire Gets Called Out By Coworker After Labeling Her a "Diversity Hire"

It's wild how nepo-babies truly believe they can get away with anything.
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Racist Karen Harasses Young Woman at Panera Bread, Repeatedly Accuses Her of Not Paying

Racist Karen Harasses Young Woman at Panera Bread, Repeatedly Accuses Her of Not Paying, Gets Kicked Out

It's 10 am
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12 reddit text images neighbor signed up to donate to satanic cult | thumbnail background grey "We had lived here about a year when I started getting lots of flat tires. I found nails sprinkled amongst the rocks of my driveway. Someone keyed my car and wrote a slur in the paint."

Neighborhood Family Targeted By Local Racist, Family Donates To Satanic Cult In His Name

Petty revenge served on a platter
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Tumblr users put person in check after they complain about Japanese culture being misrepresented | madmints: takesabeating: cheshireinthemiddle: ginzers: spoopy-roxxi: ginzers: spoopy-roxxi: ginzers: Teach children this is not ok Teach children there's nothing wrong with this really not understanding why think cultural appropriation would be ok, unless are assuming girl picture is part Japanese.

Tumblr Thread: The Value Of Cultural Sharing

Called out.
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Dad asks the people of Reddit if he's a jerk for telling his daughter she can't introduce her African American boyfriend to her grandparents.

Dad Asks Daughter To Lie To Grandparents About Black Boyfriend

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twitter social media ridiculous reviews racism FAIL - 8999429

White Woman Whines That She Was "Lectured About Slavery" In Her 2-Star Review Of A Plantation

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Indian woman calls out and clears up a misleading Tumblr thread.

Indian Woman Clears Up Misleading Tumblr Thread

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viral videos racism news FAIL ridiculous rude Video stupid gorilla - 99147009

News Anchor Apologizes To Black Co-Host For Comparing Him To A Gorilla

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racism news FAIL crime controversy politics police - 8970757

Galveston Police Issue Apology After Image Of Them Leading Black Man Behind Horse With Rope Goes Viral

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twitter racism FAIL public freakout cringe social media traveling airplane - 98570241

Angry Plane Passenger Shouts Racist Slurs And Hits Her Boyfriend With Laptop

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Customer complains about business owner being "racist" but then gets called out for lying.

Yelper Cries "Racism" And Then Gets Called Out By Business Owner

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twitter racism Video Game Coverage cringe social media ridiculous video games mario - 8850949

White Millennial Chick Complaints That Mario Is Racist, Hispanic People Tell Her Not To Speak For Them

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racism FAIL cringe freakout ignorant texting stupid - 8834053

Racist White Woman Freaks Out On Black Guy Who Ghosted Her For Racist Texts

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joking about race stereotypes

Racist Twitter War Pokes Fun At All The Ridiculous Stereotypes

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reddit posts about racists changing their minds

Ex-Racists Of Reddit Share What Made Them Change Their Mind

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Japanese tea party

Upset Tumblr User Claims A Japanese Tea Party Is Cultural Appropriation

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