

bad-manager aita employee work-evaluation bad-management r-antiwork millennial-employee toxic-boss workplace gen-z-employee bad bosses Reddit toxic-work-culture - 21282309

'[I told] my boss I won't be staying overtime... [Not even] 5 minutes': Employee lets boss have it after he gets reprimanded for not staying past work hours for unpaid overtime

Is it really that difficult of a concept to grasp that you should pay your employees for their work? The whole “get this bread” mentality that has you working over time for no extra pay is completely whack and millennials and Gen Z are starting to shine light on that. However, there are still employers out there telling you to “show initiative” by staying late and giving up more hours of your life for free. How do these types of employers not see how soul sucking and entitled that is? A guy who…
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should-you-quit toxic-manager employee manager upper management r-antiwork quitting-advice work-life balance Reddit workplace-culture - 21125637

'I've really started noticing how sad it is': Employee on verge of quitting sparks discussion on what to do when your boss has no work-life balance

There is a difference between working your hardest and only working. Life is all about balance and that especially goes for any career you're chasing. You will never be happy if you make your entire life about your job, just like you will not be happy if you make your entire life about your partner or your hobby or whatever. Us humans need balance. Work-life balance is extremely important. It's not only essential for mental health, but it is also essential in being a great employee. If you make…
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satisfying-quitting-story toxic-manager i quit micro-manager r-antiwork toxic-boss quitting-story quitting-on-the-spot workplace micro-managing-boss - 21085445

'I am going to quit on the spot': Manager demands written essay documenting every second of employee's workday, gets 8-page paper and an on-the-spot resignation to follow (update)

Ahhh yes, nothing like the good ‘ole fashion micro-manager who does more work trying to hover over your every move than actual work that needs to get done. Most people come across these types of delightful managers at least once in their career and boy is it a hoot. That was us being sarcastic, if you couldn’t tell… Micro-managers are the absolute WORST. The are entitled and think they can do your job better than you, so much so that they sacrifice their own duties to watch over yours and call…
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antiwork toxic-workplace work-environment toxic-management r-antiwork toxic-boss workplace union-story Reddit - 20016901

'Buckle up, buckaroos!': Boss forces employee to clock out early to get paid less, tenacious employee busts out contract clearly stating he HAS to get paid for a full day regardless

Why is it that the people who do the most work never seem to get noticed? This is 1000% the definition of a toxic working environment, and yet there are still tons of managers and bosses out there who wholeheartedly follow that. As if your job is only to make them look good, and if you stop trying to make them look good then you're fired, but if you work harder to make them look good, then you can stay right there exactly where you are with no promotions or raises and definitely no acknowledgem…
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Toxic boss says he can replace employee in an hour after they enquired about a small raise, employee told him to start the timer and epically walked out on the job, this story prompted other Redditors to share their satisfying defying-management stories

'My supervisor told me today that he could have another person ready to take my job...So I said “start the timer” and I left': Employees Share Their Most Epic Quitting Stories

Name one thing better than being able to epically quit your soul-sucking job and shove it in your toxic boss' face with an epic one liner exit? Seriously, how freaking satisfying. Recently, a welder went to Reddit to share their epic “mic drop” moment when quitting. It all started when they went to their supervisor to enquire about a small raise they had previously discussed as a potential prior. Apparently, this manager decide to respond with toxicity and Karen-level tantrum. While the employe…
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