
 boss workplace-stories jobs job updates bosses work coworkers i quit quit satisfying quitting story workplace quitting

Update: 'I quit without thinking twice': Boss flips out on employee who quits $120k salary job for $250k job

'Give me another chance': Employee quits job due to manager's lack of training, a year later same manager asks them to come back, employee accepts the offer

'Give me another chance': Employee quits job due to manager's lack of training, a year later same manager asks them to come back, employee accepts the offer

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Employee quits job after winning 6-figure jackpot, coworkers slam him for skipping farewell gifts: 'One said I should’ve left a thank-you bonus for the team since we all worked together'

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Management blames worker for their own decisions, accusing them of sabotaging the company: 'They started blaming me even though I had nothing to do with the decision'

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Job candidate receives bait-and-switch lowball offer after successfully interviewing for the role, quits two hours before their first shift: 'I quit two hours before my first shift this morning'

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Boss begs employee to stay when they quit after being denied a raise: 'I can give you what ever you want'

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'She didn't actually quit': CEO fires assistant after she spends $2k on fake farewell party with company funds

‘There's nothing you can say to make me stay’: Employee resigns after constant mistreatment from boss, only to receive an email in response demanding they change their mind

Employee refuses to respond to boss's email asking to reconsider their resignation, instead decides to air out everything they think about their boss: ‘[You] are useless’

Boss contacts former employee asking for forgotten passwords, employee refuses to comply without being paid the $10,000 they were owed before leaving: ‘Pay me first’

Boss contacts former employee asking for forgotten passwords, employee refuses to comply without being paid the $10,000 they were owed before leaving: ‘Pay me first’

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'Boss claims that me quitting will result in the business closing': Worker gives 2-week-notice after basically running the company they work for for their boss, prompting boss's total meltdown

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'Leaving was the best thing I did': Employer of 3 years hires new employee at $30k higher than experienced worker, they quit

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'The manager [said], "You really want to burn this bridge?" I said, "Yes"': 20+ Employees who quit their jobs as fast as possible

Ex-boss freaks out after reading former employee's online review, sends her essay-long messages: 'Block and move on'

Ex-boss freaks out after reading former employee's online review, sends her essay-long messages: 'Block and move on'

Selfish coworker throws tantrum at work bestie for not throwing her a going away party: 'I did nothing. Her last day came and went'

Selfish coworker throws tantrum at work bestie for not throwing her a going away party: 'I did nothing. Her last day came and went'

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'No one else can or will do my job... and I'm about to quit with no notice': 15+ Employees who had the pettiest ways of getting back at their bosses

'No employee is allowed to work from home': Remote employee forced to come in unexpectedly despite medical issues, boss won't return his phone calls

'No employee is allowed to work from home': Remote employee forced to come in unexpectedly despite medical issues, boss won't return his phone calls