

'My boss screamed at my coworker for no reason, so I quit the next day': Colleague gets unfairly reprimanded, higher-up employee shows his objection by quitting

'My boss screamed at my coworker for no reason, so I quit the next day': Colleague gets unfairly reprimanded, higher-up employee shows his objection by quitting

It's 2023, if you're allowing your boss to treat you like they own you, you need to quit ASAP. We're not taking a toxic workplace anymore, no sir. We are all human, and your place of employment needs you just as much as you need them if not more! They wouldn't be a functioning business without its employees, so if they are not treating your right—sayonara! Seriously guys, that toxic boomer mentality to go above your pay grade just to get degraded by your employer is coming to an end and we appl…
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satisfying-quitting-story toxic-manager i quit micro-manager r-antiwork toxic-boss quitting-story quitting-on-the-spot workplace micro-managing-boss - 21085445

'I am going to quit on the spot': Manager demands written essay documenting every second of employee's workday, gets 8-page paper and an on-the-spot resignation to follow (update)

Ahhh yes, nothing like the good ‘ole fashion micro-manager who does more work trying to hover over your every move than actual work that needs to get done. Most people come across these types of delightful managers at least once in their career and boy is it a hoot. That was us being sarcastic, if you couldn’t tell… Micro-managers are the absolute WORST. The are entitled and think they can do your job better than you, so much so that they sacrifice their own duties to watch over yours and call…
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'Should I rage quit my job?': College intern doesn't get promotion and wants to "rage quit," internet talks some sense into him

'Should I rage quit my job?': College intern doesn't get promotion and wants to "rage quit," internet talks some sense into him

Not getting a promotion after you put in your hardest work never feels good—in fact, it makes you feel like punching a wall, right? After all those positive reviews, hours, and trust you put into your upper management it feels more like a personal attack than “just business." If it were something like getting dumped or a friend betrayal, then an emotion response is acceptable, even expected. But since this is a “professional workplace” then you cannot let your true colors show. Yes, wouldn't it…
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karen-tantrum karen-father i quit quitting-story karens in the wild karen-family Reddit entitled people - 20321029

'All right, I've had enough. I quit': Valet employee lets entitled family have it after they blame her for their mess up

One Karen is already a handful, but a family of Karens?!?! It's a wonder how anybody would survive that one their own. It can come in many forms, like a bunch of girlfriends who are also Karens, or a family of Karens where the Karen parents raised their kids to also be parents. It's a hell!sh cycle, but it happens. So how do you survive? One woman on Reddit shared her story of surviving a Karen father and his two Karen daughters. She was working as a valet driver and they were part of a bridal…
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