
quitting stories

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''Please return home and shave [your beard]'… I never went back': 15 Employees who quit a new job faster than you can say 'OSHA'

There are moments in our lives when we have pristine clarity about our careers. It's rare, but when you get that gut feeling to run away from the workplace (not the dreaded, ‘I don’t feel like going to work today' feeling, but a REAL gut feeling), it's time to listen up. They say that our instincts are designed to protect us from harm, so when the red flags are waving , the managers are screaming, and our coworkers give us a sheepish look, perhaps it's time to quit onsite. Working folks in our…
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Top Times Unsupportive Tech Coworkers Finally Got Fired and Left with a Bang

Top Times Unsupportive Tech Coworkers Finally Got Fired and Left with a Bang

We've all imagined at one point or another during a bad job, quitting and leaving with the most dramatic exit possible. You tell everyone you hated off and you throw everything off you desk and you reveal any secrets you know to everyone and you march out and slam the door and everyone is crying and regretting treating you poorly. Funny thing about that fun run-on sentence though is that, that's not how it happens. If you leave like that in the slightest way, you're burning a bridge and that ca…
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