
‘They wouldn’t budge': Chess players kicked out of city hall for bringing chess boards despite renting out venue for chess club

‘They wouldn’t budge': Chess players kicked out of city hall for bringing chess boards despite renting out venue for chess club

Right, everyone. I need to be serious for a moment. Because the gretest thing that ever happened is happening right now. I don't particularly care either way about the queen but the queue? the queue is a triumph of Britishness.

Twitter Thread: 'The Queue', the Pinnacle of British Society, a Memorial

Desperate People on Tinder Using Queen Elizabeth II as Material For Pickup Lines

Desperate People on Tinder Using Queen Elizabeth II as Material for Pickup Lines

That Time in 1994 When A Cricket Ball Almost Hit Queen Elizabeth II in the Head

That Time in 1994 When A Cricket Ball Almost Hit Queen Elizabeth II in the Head

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'It was like one of those ancient radio things from the '80s:' Gen-Z flight attendants call the police because they think a walkman is a bomb

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Kid Gets Decked By Queen's Guard

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Dad Gets Daughter Hyped For Freddie Mercury Biopic, Forgets to Tell Her the Singer is Dead and Ruins Her Life

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The Queen Gets Bloody Excited Over Some Cows

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Pika Freddie Mercury Mash Up Will Melt The Coldest Of Hearts

Collection of tweets that are written out like Scottish people are saying them.

10 Authentic Scottish Tweets That Are Hilariously Confusing

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What Moms Are For

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Photoshops of the green screen dress the queen of england once wore

The Queen of England Wore a Bright Green Outfit So, Naturally, the Internet Treated It Like a Green Screen

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Google Translate Butchers the Lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody

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Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody as a Ballet is One Ballet You'll Want to Watch

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That Moment You Realize The Queen's Guards Are Real And So Is Their Patrol Duty

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