public transportation

 mildly infuriating annoying infuriating Irritating public transportation trains train bus busses commute morning commute

20+ Public transit journeys that went off the rails: 'Dropped one of my wireless earbuds on the train tracks... 10 minutes into a 3 hour trip'

'I want to sit there': Entitled couple tries to kick bus passenger out of his seat, argument erupts over extra leg room

'I want to sit there': Entitled couple tries to kick bus passenger out of his seat, argument erupts over extra leg room

'Do you know who I am?': Entitled lady gets called out on subway for using husband's credentials as an excuse for her poor behavior

'Do you know who I am?': Entitled lady gets called out on subway for using husband's credentials as an excuse for her poor behavior

‘Are we the crazy ones?’: Man's foot is rolled over by entitled mother with a stroller on public transportation, attempts to argue the entire train ride but man is not having it

Entitled mother purposefully rolls over man's foot with her stroller in a crowded train car, demands him to move despite him having nowhere to go: ‘No courtesy and understanding’

entitled entitled people entitled parents karen karens karens in the wild karen-customer customer service customers aita public transportation public transport bus reddit thread reddit story etiquette

23-year-old woman wonders if she's wrong for refusing to give her seat to 8-year-old boy and his "late 30s" mother: 'A few people gave me dirty looks, and I felt awkward'

pro revenge petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories public transportation petty revenge public transport public transit revenge-stories-reddit karen entitled people - 25896453

Passenger removes their shoes on the train placing their feet on the seat in front of them, woman hides one of their shoes: 'Where's my shoe?'

‘Get up, now’: Woman with disabilities gets told off by elderly lady who demands she give up her seat on the bus

‘Get up, now’: Woman with disabilities gets told off by elderly lady who demands she give up her seat on the bus

'This is lousy customer service': Train passengers book seats in a strict phone free zone, passengers maliciously comply, exposing the pointless policy

'This is lousy customer service': Train passengers book seats in a strict phone-free zone, passengers maliciously comply, exposing the pointless policy

reddit reddit-thread bus bus-ride public-transportation petty-revenge revenge petty instant-karma karma entitled insolent

'[You can't] push past people without so much as an 'excuse me'': Entitled bus patron gets served instant karma on a crowded bus; misses her connection after getting trapped behind people

'Double-petty came into play here:' Bus driver happily passes notorious regular running late, passenger then attempts pettiness but the joke was really still on him

'Double-petty came into play here:' Bus driver happily passes notorious regular running late, passenger then attempts pettiness but the joke was really still on him

'Enjoy a bouquet of petty little annoyances': Guy keeps talking loudly on the phone during train ride, passenger gets even

'Enjoy a bouquet of petty little annoyances': Guy keeps talking loudly on the phone during train ride, passenger gets even

'That sounds like a YOU rule': Bus driver tries throwing rulebook at patron to exert power, rider gets satisfying justice when supervisor steps in

'That sounds like a YOU rule': Bus driver tries throwing rulebook at patron to exert power, rider gets satisfying justice when supervisor steps in

25 Strange Subway Sightings

25 Strange Subway Sightings

'[She] began playing a film without headphones': Flight attendant makes passenger apologize to woman playing a movie out loud on the plane

'[She] began playing a film without headphones': Flight attendant makes passenger apologize to woman playing a movie out loud on the plane

malicious compliance revenge public transportation petty revenge petty entitled public transport entitled people karens karens in the wild karen - 20545541

'Move it to your spot': Karen complains about stowed bag, gets to ride the rest of the journey with it in the seat next to her

public transportation passenger old lady entitled reddit thread Reddit bus entitled people - 20188165

'I got here first': Bus passenger refuses to give up seat to elderly woman, others rally around the woman

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