
public transportation

entitled entitled people entitled parents karen karens karens in the wild karen-customer customer service customers aita public transportation public transport bus reddit thread reddit story etiquette

23-year-old woman wonders if she's wrong for refusing to give her seat to 8-year-old boy and his "late 30s" mother: 'A few people gave me dirty looks, and I felt awkward'

What is the etiquette these days when it comes to public transport? Not to sound like an "old man shouting at clouds," but it really does seem like etiquette—along with mutual unspoken respect and other social decorum—has gone completely out the window. Still, along with that, and theoretically causal of the previous issue is that people just seem generally more entitled and individualistic, it's all about “me me me” and “what can be done that benefits me” rather than partaking in the upholding…
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pro revenge petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories public transportation petty revenge public transport public transit revenge-stories-reddit karen entitled people - 25896453

Passenger removes their shoes on the train placing their feet on the seat in front of them, woman hides one of their shoes: 'Where's my shoe?'

“Who let the dogs out” is not a question you want to be asking on public transport especially when those dogs are someone else's toes that they've decided to remove from their shoes and display proudly to all the other passengers.
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‘Get up, now’: Woman with disabilities gets told off by elderly lady who demands she give up her seat on the bus

‘Get up, now’: Woman with disabilities gets told off by elderly lady who demands she give up her seat on the bus

Even though most people would go back to being kids in a heartbeat, becoming adults also has a lot of benefits. Especially being able to call your own shots, and do whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it, without having to answer to anyone. When I was a kid, the one thing I was so excited about adulthood was owning a car and not having to take the bus anymore. Now as an adult, even though I do have a car, I still find myself taking the bus to work, and I completely understand why yo…
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'This is lousy customer service': Train passengers book seats in a strict phone free zone, passengers maliciously comply, exposing the pointless policy

'This is lousy customer service': Train passengers book seats in a strict phone-free zone, passengers maliciously comply, exposing the pointless policy

We understand that phone-free zones are, in theory, a productive idea to help save chronically online folks like myself, but in practice, these policies never work. At a certain point, one has to wonder to what extent it's worth it to keep on enforcing silly rules like this given that people will always find a way to circumnavigate those rules or, if they do comply, they are not going to have a fun time doing it. On top of that, the reality is that in this day and age, you genuinely need access…
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reddit reddit-thread bus bus-ride public-transportation petty-revenge revenge petty instant-karma karma entitled insolent

'[You can't] push past people without so much as an 'excuse me'': Entitled bus patron gets served instant karma on a crowded bus; misses her connection after getting trapped behind people

Public transportation has a whole myriad of unspoken rules. For those of you who are too privileged to ever hop onto a bus, train, or subway, read no further, because the nuances of the transportation methods of the huddled masses will go right over your head.
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'Double-petty came into play here:' Bus driver happily passes notorious regular running late, passenger then attempts pettiness but the joke was really still on him

'Double-petty came into play here:' Bus driver happily passes notorious regular running late, passenger then attempts pettiness but the joke was really still on him

If you didn't realize, being a public bus driver is not an easy job. The hours are bonkers, working holidays and in crazy weather. It's your fault if there is traffic and somebody is late. And public transit always has a few colorful characters on the regular, to say the least. That's why it's common to hear people saying “thank you” to the driver as they get off of their stop. Some regulars will even bring their drivers snacks or beverages to keep them happy. So when a regular rider is constan…
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'Enjoy a bouquet of petty little annoyances': Guy keeps talking loudly on the phone during train ride, passenger gets even

'Enjoy a bouquet of petty little annoyances': Guy keeps talking loudly on the phone during train ride, passenger gets even

There is a certain etiquette when you're on a long train ride and in close quarters with other passengers. Talking loudly on the phone for hours on end is not up to code. If you go down that path, you can expect retaliation and feedback. It could be small such as your fellow passenger rolling their eyes or politely asking you to stop. However, the response could also be petty. In this instance, the response was severely petty. This Redditor shared all the ways in which he ensured that his fello…
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'That sounds like a YOU rule': Bus driver tries throwing rulebook at patron to exert power, rider gets satisfying justice when supervisor steps in

'That sounds like a YOU rule': Bus driver tries throwing rulebook at patron to exert power, rider gets satisfying justice when supervisor steps in

Public transit is interesting in the U.S. The employees and patrons are both colorful and it's either peaceful and quite or something crazy going down. No in-between. It's like the scene in Superbad when they get on the bus and the houseless guy is there and he calls out “McMuffin” and things go down and the driver has to stop and kick them off. That's a pretty accurate portrayal of most public transit rides in the U.S. One public transit patron in Rhode Island shared a story that was short, ye…
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25 Strange Subway Sightings

25 Strange Subway Sightings

When you take public transit, you are agreeing to the possibility of seeing some very strange people. It's almost like an unofficial social contract you sign the minute you step on the train, bus, ferry, etc. And when you do find yourself in these shocking, confusing, and cringeworthy moments, you may stop to ask yourself if there's some sort of special event going on that you don't know about. Perhaps you forgot that it's Halloween or perhaps there's some sort of popular musician's concert in…
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'[She] began playing a film without headphones': Flight attendant makes passenger apologize to woman playing a movie out loud on the plane

'[She] began playing a film without headphones': Flight attendant makes passenger apologize to woman playing a movie out loud on the plane

Typically, when you're in the right of something, you expect might expect an apology from the person who has wronged you. You probably wouldn't expect yourself to be the one apologizing… if that were the case, wouldn't that make you the one in the wrong? There will be times in our lives when it seems like the entire world is against us, where we're absolutely certain we've done everything right and nothing wrong, and—yet, everyone else seems to think otherwise. This can lead us to wonder, are w…
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malicious compliance revenge public transportation petty revenge petty entitled public transport entitled people karens karens in the wild karen - 20545541

'Move it to your spot': Karen complains about stowed bag, gets to ride the rest of the journey with it in the seat next to her

The noble backpack has been used by mankind for centuries, with its usage dating back to ancient times, first likely being used by hunters to carry gear and supplies. Now that pedigree is joined by a new usage: accompanying a Karen on a long journey. If you look, you will find that there is a long and storied history of people becoming great friends with backpacks, “Dora the Explorer” being the most notable example. The famed explorer is now joined by this Karen, who undoubtedly became fast fri…
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public transportation passenger old lady entitled reddit thread Reddit bus entitled people - 20188165

'I got here first': Bus passenger refuses to give up seat to elderly woman, others rally around the woman

Bus people include a wide range of personalities from the rude to the kind.
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entitled-idiot revenge public transportation petty revenge entitled bus karen entitled people - 19432965

Toxic entitled individual battles a Karen on the bus

It's a race to the bottom in this latest story of petty revenge… We're all the heroes of our own story, and the mind has an impressive way of spinning a narrative so that it isn't at fault—especially when that narrative is going to be posted online for fake internet points. But, hey, it's my job to farm other people's fake-internet-point stories and give my own snazzy take on it for my own fake internet points—so I shouldn't be one to judge.
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AITA for not moving from my booked seat for an elderly person?

'I'd booked the seat and wasn't going to move': First class train passenger refuses to move for elderly woman

The failure here is the train system!
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AITA for telling a stranger "it's weird you chose to sit right next to me when there's so many other seats available" on the public transit?

Creepy Guy Gets Called Out for Sitting Next to Passenger on Empty Train

There should be a rule that creepy people don't get to take public transit.
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small business, shoplifting, shoplifter, stealing, thief, theft, lingerie, merchandise, retail, public freakout, karen, fail, public transport, justice, justice is served, crazy, insane, insane video, viral

'Let's play a game called, look in the thief's purse': Small business owner follows a shoplifter home after catching her stealing merchandise

Oh, how the tables turn
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