
quit your bullshit promotion workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story work coworkers i quit workplace quitting employment - 20366597

'I showed myself out': Worker makes themselves irreplaceable, bosses refuse to promote them

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'I fully trusted her and she broke her promise': Boss makes verbal promise to high-performing employee, suddenly chooses an outside candidate instead

Relatable Coworker Memes for Broke Employees Who Laugh At Their Boss's Jokes In Hopes of a Promotion

Relatable Coworker Memes for Broke Employees Who Laugh At Their Boss's Jokes In Hopes of a Promotion

'My boss snubbed me after I saved the company $45,000' : Boss refuses to promote burnt out employee despite increased profit margins, leads to malicious compliance, boss gets made redundant

'My boss snubbed me after I saved the company $45,000' : Boss refuses to promote burnt out employee despite increased profit margins, leads to malicious compliance, boss gets made redundant

‘You’ll work when I tell you to work’ : Terrible boss makes employee work on vacation, cue malicious compliance, boss gets fired, employee gets boss's job

‘You’ll work when I tell you to work’ : Terrible boss makes employee work on vacation, cue malicious compliance, boss gets fired, employee gets boss's job

Company didn't hire me for the next position and now want me to train up the person they did

'I'm quitting...': Veteran employee passed up for promotion then is asked to train their new boss

Bossy Co-worker Screws Himself Out of a Promotion, Woman Gets Revenge Without Even Trying

Bossy Co-worker Screws Himself Out of a Promotion, Woman Gets Revenge Without Even Trying

AITA “cheating” to get a promotion?

'People like this annoy me': Coworker accused of cheating by working crazy hours to get a promotion

Funny TikTok where employee realizes he's been given more responsibilities with no pay raise

'I just got quiet promoted': Employee realizes he's been given more responsibilities with no pay raise

AITA for how I responded when my coworker told me that the reason I got a promotion was because of my breast size?

Entitled Misogynist Says the Reason His Coworker Got a Promotion Was Her Breast Size, She Gives the Best Comeback

Boss denies worker a promotion, they stop doing his job, he gives in

Boss "Doesn't See Need" For Promotion, Coworkers Stop Doing His Job, Make It Obvious

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Russian Burger King Astounds Twitter With Delusional World Cup Promo

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At One Point a Certain NFL Team Wanted Their Fans to Jag it With Their Rag Out

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Level Up!

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Corporate Hierarchy, Now in "Has a Hotdog" Form

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Nice Stats!