

aita promise freeloading kids carpool motherhood moms driving reddit thread Reddit payback mom - 24416261

‘From now on, just pick up your own kid’: Freeloading mom gets shut down after taking advantage of the kindness of a fellow mother

"If she wants to call it a 'promise', then she already broke long ago."
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hardworking daughter parents parent college college-fund baby son university freshman money student-loans student-debt loans debt student college-student reddit aita brother sister finance promise

'iT's OuR mOnEy': Hardworking daughter gets her college fund robbed after graduation when her parents surprise her with a baby brother and revoke half of her college savings

Wrestling student debt after you graduate college is a lot like taking on a polar bear in a 1v1, mano-a-mano fist fight. The odds are certainly against you and even if you manage to beat the bear, you'll likely freeze out in the cold arctic tundra afterwards. You may have hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans that you owe the Feds, but at least you took home a piece of paper that says that you know how to shotgun a beer before writing a 10 page research paper on gender studies.
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promotion boss work stories toxic-workplace promise raise Horrible Bosses - 20329221

'I fully trusted her and she broke her promise': Boss makes verbal promise to high-performing employee, suddenly chooses an outside candidate instead

A verbal promise is only worth the paper it's written on, a lesson that this guy learned from his workplace only after it was too late. “Boss betrayed me. What do I do?” asked u/JacksAgain, as they sought help from the r/careerguidance subreddit. As the OP explained their job, they wrote that they make six figures at a company, but were still temped by a job offer with a 13% raise. That's a decent salary bump, and after telling their boss, the OP got an instant 17% raise. Great! But that also c…
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Boss breaks a promise? Welcome to the bare minimum.

'Welcome to the bare minimum': Sneaky supervisor lies about shift change, so employee decides to act their wage

Although this boss thought he was being sly, he actually ended up making a long-time employee “quiet quit” their job.
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