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'The games WORKED': Kid circumvents school firewall to play flash games by learning to develop websites

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'You're probably getting paid less than the people hired after you': Experienced programmer getting paid less than fresh new hire sparks online discussion over pay

'This project was done during a bad phase of the moon': Programmers share the reddest flags they've ever come across on resumes

'This project was done during a bad phase of the moon': Programmers share the reddest flags they've ever come across on resumes

'I'll come back as long as Larry isn't there': Terrible boss drives essential programmer to quit, CEO removes boss and begs programmer to come back

'I'll come back as long as Larry isn't there': Terrible boss drives essential programmer to quit, CEO removes boss and begs programmer to come back

You blamed me for all of your IT troubles. So I made your entire department redundant.

Karen scapegoats IT Guy for her stupid nonexistent problems, he makes her entire department redundant

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Clever Developer Discovers How to Automate His Job, Now Works 10 Minutes A Day From Home

thumbnail grey background "Posted by u/oldman712 15 hours ago e & 2 13 e20 3 13 e Sorry, I deleted all the files you told me to delete. oC M, Six months later, I get a series of desperate phone calls. New software grad has been unable to build any new prototypes. Old customers are calling to get old prototypes updated, and new software grad has no idea how to do that."

Programmer Ordered To Delete All Company Info After Being Laid Off, Boss Comes Back Begging For Files

A collection of funny and entertaining programmer memes.

Painfully Relatable Programmer Memes That Struck The Rage Key

A collection of funny insights from various programmers. | Omonbude Emmanuel @BUDESCODE replace programmers with Robots, clients will have accurately describe they want safe.

Programmer Humor For The World's Tech Wizards

A collection of funny jokes and memes dedicated to the programmers of the world | ird Allah Dawood Ali AG IMPHSES VIL FND KU @yugdiputsa best apps have developed: 1. Hello World 2. Test App 3. Untitled Project 9:55 AM 15 Aug 20 Twitter Android

Jokes And Memes For The World's Programmers

A collection of funny memes and jokes for the programmers in the world.

Jokes And Memes About The Programmer Life

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What Does Your Office Look Like?

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No Other Hymn Will Do

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Different Department, Not My Concern

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Monday Thru Friday: The World Can Finally Know

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It's like a programmer's Christmas dream!

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