

'That's my job, get lost': Manager tries to pin $1 million machine malfunction on new hire who whips out documentation proving otherwise, effectively getting him fired instead

'That's my job, get lost': Manager tries to pin $1 million machine malfunction on new hire who whips out documentation proving otherwise, effectively getting him fired instead

Instant karma is the best, especially when it involves a manager who is out to get a new hire for no reason other than ego. This story is about a new IT manager, who clashed with a paranoid facilities manager at the manufacturing company they both worked at. The IT guy knew his stuff, but the micromanager was overprotective of jobs that 'belonged' to him, and often told him to get lost. For context, the micromanager controlled a critical production machine with an outdated computer system, and…
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'You don't understand business' : Employee reports mechanical manufacturing problems, gets ignored by terrible boss, leading to malicious compliance and loss of $300,000 in company profits

'You don't understand business' : Employee reports mechanical manufacturing problems, gets ignored by terrible boss, leading to malicious compliance and loss of $300,000 in company profits

The person with the most mechanical knowledge is usually the person who is running the machine, but this boss didn't seem to think so. What led to this mess was the fact that this same boss refused to do regular maintenance on the (expensive) machine, so it began breaking down, as expected. An employee tentatively approached him, explaining that the company was going to lose a lot of money if they didn't shut it off in order to fix it. This advice fell on deaf ears.
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