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'Revenge on a horrible boss that cost me $10k': Analyst poaches numerous employees from former boss

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AirBnB host refuses to fix wifi, disgruntled guest changes settings and locks them out: 'I simply reset the router and changed everything'

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'Want to play mailbox baseball? Fine it will cost you one window': Mailbox vandals and their vehicle lose to reinforced mailbox

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'The police were also automatically called...': Landlord gets a surprise when they can't disable their tenant's alarm after turning up unannounced and uninvited

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‘Your new squeeze Darren can pay [the bills] now’: Meal-ticket boyfriend gets the ultimate payback on a cheating ex, leaving her with 3 months of unpaid bills

'Old boss told me to contact his lawyers... So I did': Worker fired for workplace injury, sues for commission they weren't being fairly paid

'Old boss told me to contact his lawyers... So I did': Worker fired for workplace injury, sues for commission they weren't being fairly paid

Hotel worker fired for using multiple guests' credit card information: '[His] manager just exploded in anger'

Hotel worker fired for using multiple guests' credit card information: '[His] manager just exploded in anger'

Teacher Gets Epic Payback on Group of Slackers During Senior Ditch Day

Teacher Gets Epic Payback on Group of Slackers During Senior Ditch Day

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'Revenge on Bridezilla': Bridesmaids team up to get back at entitled bride

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'A lawyer's pro revenge on his boss': Lawyer racks up 100 hours of overtime to spite lazy boss

'I told him I wanted $5,000': Guy catches a lawyer practicing without a license

'I told him I wanted $5,000': Guy catches a lawyer practicing without a license

'He confessed he lied on his resume': Programmers band together to get nepotistic managers fired

'He confessed he lied on his resume': Programmers band together to get nepotistic managers fired

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Veteran turned mechanic gets nuclear revenge on terrible employer and his Karen wife, costing him his marriage and business: 'You gonna sue me or something?'

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'They were planning on suing the professor': Vandals get served instant justice when they meet an engineering professor's indestructible mailbox

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Guy sells grandma a used car, grandkids trick him into quitting his job for a fake one: 'Should have done your due diligence'

 ‘To say the house smelt worse than a tin of cat food was an understatement’: Exasperated man gives untidy roommate a taste of her own medicine, roommate moves out

‘To say the house smelt worse than a tin of cat food was an understatement’: Exasperated man gives untidy roommate a taste of her own medicine, roommate moves out