

Boss demands employees provide details about their PTO, forcing them to lie to keep their private life, private: ‘Causes me unnecessary stress’

Boss demands employees provide details about their PTO, forcing them to lie to keep their private life, private: ‘Causes me unnecessary stress’

Bosses are universally known as generous, appreciative, and loved by all figures of authority. They are, without a doubt, the most benevolent and caring characters in the corporal food chain. They would never be unprofessional, over-demanding, or hold unrealistic expectations that would affect workload. And most importantly, our cherished bosses will never ever cross the line between their workers' professional and personal life, the latter, held close to their hearts, is of utmost importance t…
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Resident refuses to let neighbors drive on their private road, then gets a call from district official telling them ‘it’s not nice' to deny access: ‘I'm not obligated to be nice’

Resident refuses to let neighbors drive on their private road, then gets a call from district official telling them ‘it’s not nice' to deny access: ‘I'm not obligated to be nice’

Surely we've all had that inner conflict between being kind to others and being true to ourselves, and it's hard to find the right balance between the two. On one hand, you want to do good and help other people however you can, while on the other hand, that help can come with a price, a price that you might not feel ready to pay. The couple in this story bought a secluded house because they wanted as much privacy as they could get, and they were pretty happy about their purchase. That was until…
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entitled neighbor neighbors neighborhood property property-owner homeowner home house karma towed tow truck car cars garage cost reddit aita

Property owner gets 3 of the entitled neighbor's cars towed after they presumptuously park in his garage without permission: 'It cost [him] $1,000'

Not making a good first impression
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'I’m not moving an inch': Party girl parks on private estate and then demands that the owner move his own car

'I’m not moving an inch': Party girl parks on private estate and then demands that the owner move his own car

Some people believe that the truth is determined by the context, however, sometimes the truth remains the same regardless of the situation. There is a right and a wrong in real life, and it is impossible to confuse the two. The story below describes the encounter between two individuals. The first is OP and the second would be an arrogant parker who mistakenly believes herself to be entitled to OP's private property. However, rather than succumbing to the nasty habits of the entitled parker, OP…
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‘You don't have any authority here': Military officer's wife tries to use her husband's rank to boss one of the soldiers around; it backfires

‘You don't have any authority here': Military officer's wife tries to use her husband's rank to boss one of the soldiers around; it backfires

Serving in the military often gains you a lot of respect in the form of ogling eyes, desperately whispered ‘Thank you's, and the occasional ‘No man is a man until he has been a soldier’ speech, usually given by people who never served a day in their life. Many of the soldier's spouses take a lot of pride in the fact their partner is in the military, and I get it, I do, but I don't get when they take pride in themselves , as if they did the country a favor by marrying a person in the army. It's…
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karen karens passive-aggressive neighborhoods neighbors karens-in-the-wild wild note parking cars ticket privacy public private petty

Passive Aggressive Karen Leaves a (Politely) Threatening Note on Her Neighbor's Car, Demanding They Stop Parking on the Public Street; Neighbor Refuses

"Would you be so kind…"
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The White House is Beefing With Taylor Swift, Bragging That Their Student Debt Relief Website is Way Better Than Her Ticketmaster Presale

The White House is Beefing With Taylor Swift, Bragging That Their Student Debt Relief Website is Way Better Than Her Ticketmaster Presale

The one time a government website is better than private sector…
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weird things people witnessed in other people's homes while working

The Wildest Stuff People Witnessed Working In Someone's House

People lead interesting lives.
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things discovered by private investigators | Friend hired private investigator look into her boyfriend who she thought cheating on her dude wasn't cheating, he plotting his proposal.

What People Found Out from Private Investigators

It's easy to forget that private investigators actually exist.
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weird things people saw in other people's homes | minervasbiscuittin 16.7k points 12 hours ago O 2 e 3 6 edited 3 hours ago Back my teenage babysitting days regularly watched three kids whose parents kept one those ENORMOUS packages hot dogs out on kitchen counter. Everyone household would just wander by and grab room-temperature hot dog as snack whenever they felt like babysat them 2-3 times per week over year and never not saw those hot dogs wonder about them all time.

Weird Stuff People Saw In People's Houses

Everyone has a different idea of "normal."
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discoveries of people who hired private investigators | catfarts99 15.5k points 1 day ago S E3 had girlfriend worked one while. She said majority their work insurance scams. She took lot pictures guys who said they were hurt on job playing golf and surfing and such.

People Who Hired Private Investigators Share Their Discoveries

Sometimes it's time to hire a dude to sit in a car for 14 hours.
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Private School Gets Upset That Dude Gave Upgrades to Charity Before Them

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The Most Private Thing You're Willing to Admit...Is Terrible

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