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'Stop emailing me': Principal begs for mercy after persistent teacher follows through 10-fold on a tedious new lesson plan policy

Teachers have a lot on their plate. While they're struggling with growing classrooms, more stringent lesson plans, and Karenish moms breathing down their throat, they're essentially expected to raise the next generation of children all on their own– all for measly wages and no 'thank you's. The last thing an overworked teacher needs is a principal demanding busy work from them.
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'It’s like I told a room full of kindergartners that Santa wasn’t real': Veteran teacher blurts out in disagreement with the boss that they are in fact NOT family, they are coworkers

Management always claims to respect the work-life balance sentiment, but then go around telling everyone that they're “like a family around here." You can't have both. Would you lay off the least productive family member if things started to get tough? So, basically get rid of the youngest kid once food prices soar too high. No. Only in a work environment is that acceptable. When times get tough in the family, mom and dad will make sure their kids get feed before they feed themselves. Does uppe…
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