
pretty revenge

‘She stood up and went on absolutely unhinged’: Employee gets back at manager trying to get her fired in front of 40 big bosses and coworkers

‘She stood up and went on absolutely unhinged’: Employee gets back at manager trying to get her fired in front of 40 big bosses and coworkers

Ring ring, it's petty revenge calling! There's nothing more satisfying at work then when you get away with the perfect revenge plot against an awful toxic manager/boss. It's not easy to pull off, but every now and then the planets align and everything works out perfectly. This short and sweet story is one of the most satisfying and perfect examples of work revenge . The Reddit poster worked at a company where the employees used in-house work cellphones. One day they came to work and couldn't fi…
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Don't intimidate your roommates | I (33M) currently live with three roommates (B, S, T). B decided two months ago that she was unhappy and going to move out after 7 months of no complaints. T

Terrible Roommate Tries to Bully Roommates, Shocked When They Move Out

Well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions?.. That's exactly what this abhorrent roommate must have been thinking when her roommates announced they were moving out after she decided to make their lives a living hell. The terrible roommate had decided that she was “unhappy” and was going to move out prior to her discovery that she was getting a steal of a deal for her BigMac supersized room. So, instead of moving out and putting herself in an inferior position… somewhere in that twiste…
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pro revenge drama pretty revenge revenge family feud family theft - 16397317

Scumbag Family Members Steal Woman's Savings, Deny It, Beaten By Evidence

Imagine your own mother and sister stealing from you.
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