
workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion hr job malicious compliance work human resources workplace Horrible Bosses bad bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace pregnancy women in the workplace motherhood pregnant - 35261957

Boss declines pregnant employee's requests for accommodation a week before her due date, HR steps in and grants her leave immediately

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Elder Millennial wrestles with the idea of starting a family at 38 years old, receives wholesome advice from other 'geriatric' parents happy they waited: 'Kids make you feel young'

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'You’re obviously not that sorry': Entitled woman confronts pregnant shopper over parking space

Karen barks at $250 bill, shoves manager in front of on-duty officers: ''[They] immediately cuff her'

Karen barks at $250 bill, shoves manager in front of on-duty officers: '[They] immediately cuff her'

‘She's going [to] the hospital to be induced 12 hours from now’: Woman gets fired the day before she has a baby, internet reacts

‘She's going [to] the hospital to be induced 12 hours from now’: Woman gets fired the day before she has a baby, internet reacts

'She's not a puppy you can just rename': Woman's pregnant sister demands they rename their adopted kid so she can use the name for her own child

'She's not a puppy you can just rename': Woman's pregnant sister demands they rename their adopted kid so she can use the name for her own child

reddit, petty-revenge, r-pettyrevenge, failblog, mom-revenge, 8-months-pregnant, parking-spot-fued

‘I was so fed up’: Guy keeps parking in spot designated for woman who is 8 months pregnant, HOA doesn't allow towing him, so mom-to-be takes matters into her own hands

reddit reddit-thread reddit-update aita baby names babies parent parenting mom pregnant pregnancy honest friend friendship name-ideas unique funny terrible

'I wish I was joking': Honest confidante rebukes the baby names chosen by her pregnant friend, saving the child from a lifetime of embarrassment

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'Unleash your inner lawsuit': Man gets promptly fired after telling management that his girlfriend is pregnant, capturing the entire lawsuit-worthy Zoom call on video

baby sibling rivalry siblings petty wedding advice wedding dress entitled pregnant sister reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 22674437

'I questioned her moral choice to pick fabric over a baby': Entitled sister makes outrageous threats after sibling would not loan her a wedding dress

reddit thread bakery cake pregnant entitled entitled-people parents parenting toddler tantrum last aita

'I ordered first': Guy buys the last cake in the bakery for his pregnant wife; gets accosted by a mother behind him in line for 'stealing the last cake' from her child

'I didn't mean to say it out loud, but COME ON': Teenager gets in trouble for honest reaction to news that her sister is pregnant again

'I didn't mean to say it out loud, but COME ON': Teenager gets in trouble for honest reaction to news that her sister is pregnant again

reddit reddit-thread reddit-story malicious-compliance aita petty revenge mother-in-law family family-matters husband pregnant wife daughter-in-law daughter reimbursed

‘Not an opportunity to make a quick buck’: Mother-in-law tries to charge her pregnant daughter $400+ for cleaning the house, while she was at the hospital giving birth

aita reddit bride bridezilla entitled mother parenting summer parents parent mom pregnant dress-code

‘I cannot be in a long sleeve floor-length gown in the heat for 8 hours’: Mother-to-be stands up to an entitled bridezilla, refusing to abide by absurd dress code demands in order to protect her pregnancy

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Self-Important Karen Makes a Pregnant Lady Cry After Stealing an ‘Expectant Mother’ Parking Spot at the Supermarket; Heroic Civilians Teach the Karen a Lesson in Decency

'Her "perfecting the recipe" ended up with this result': Woman tells MIL she does not enjoy her signature mac and cheese dish

'Her "perfecting the recipe" ended up with this result': Woman tells MIL she despises her signature mac and cheese dish