

‘My Roommate Refuses to Cook Meals That Won’t Upset My Pregnant Girlfriend’ Delusional Boyfriend Disrespects His Roommate Who Actually Pays Rent

‘My Roommate Refuses to Cook Meals That Won’t Upset My Pregnant Girlfriend’ Delusional Boyfriend Disrespects His Roommate Who Actually Pays Rent

If you don't pay rent, you don't get a say.
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My girlfriend just gave birth to our first child. I know I’m not the biological father and I revealed I knew as soon as she gave birth.

'I know I’m not [the] father': Guy confesses right after girlfriend gives birth that he knows she cheated

There's a whole lot to unpack with this one.
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things toxic dads have said during labor

'[Horrible] Things Baby Dads Say': Professional Delivery Nurse Reveals the Most Messed Up Things Dads Have Said During Labor

Moms have to go through so much physically, mentally, and emotionally while giving birth. Dads need to practice how to say the right things at the right moments during labor…
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AITA for yelling at my husband when he ate some of my chocolate and making him drive across the city to replace them.

'He should know better than to eat my favorite flavor': Pregnant wife makes husband drive hours to get more of her favorite chocolate

Hopefully, they will laugh about this years later...
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I got written up for "not meeting company standards" one week after coming back from a miscarriage leave | Fast forward to this week and I'm getting told I didn't do my job fast enough when I was put in that shift last week so now I am going to get written up. With the stress of everything else, I just wanted to cry or scream.

'I'm still tired, fatigued both mentally and physically.': Woman written up for underperforming following miscarriage, turns to online community for support

This woman was written up by her employer for not doing her job fast enough after she returned to work following a miscarriage.
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My brother is bringing his pregnant mistress to Thanksgiving dinner on Monday

Cheating Dude Brings Pregnant Young Mistress to Thanksgiving, His Daughter Refuses to Come

There's no way this dinner will end well.
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AITA for saying my father needs to stop having kids?

Daughter Scolds Absent Father For Having Too Many Kids

You know it's a problem when your own daughter tells you to stop procreating.
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AITA for refusing to delete a recording I have of my brother-in-law's wife telling me my husband was only tolerating me now because I was pregnant?

Woman Records Brother-in-Law's Wife Being Nasty, Threatens to Expose Her So She Leaves Her Alone

Nothing like recording your evil in-laws and threatening to expose them to your partner for who they really are!
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AITA for ripping up a check in front of my husband?

'I pulled the check out and ripped it up': Pregnant wife learns husband used her parents' baby money to buy a PlayStation

This pregnant woman learned that her husband, who only works part-time, purchased a Playstation with one of the checks her parents gave them for expenses related to the baby. Perhaps he thought that money applied to him since he was acting like an infant himself!
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"AITA for kicking my wife out of the house?"

'My wife just went over the top': Man kicks wife out of the house for bullying their pregnant daughter

We love a father who defends his daughter
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aita marriage parenting pregnant - 17322501

Husband Annoyed At Pregnant Wife's Pain, Internet Wants Him Gone

It certainly takes a special type of person to be annoyed by their partner's discomfort and health pains. It's tough to imagine judging someone who you (supposedly) love so deeply for something that is entirely out of their control and acting like they are being lazy. Even worse when the thing that is causing that discomfort and pain is the fact that they are growing your child inside of them. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by the concerned wife who is won…
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woman picks mother to be in room during birth over husband

Expecting Mom Chooses Her Mother To Be In Delivery Room Over Husband, Doesn't Understand Why He Is Upset

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aita friends family pregnant - 17158149

Husband's Friend Accuses Wife of Cheating in Front of In-Laws at Their Pregnancy Announcement

With friends like these... Who needs enemies?
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baby in laws family pregnant - 17164549

Tragic Passing of Baby's Father Causes Controlling Brother-In-Law to Try to Takeover

Some situations are so incredibly unfortunate that it's hard even to fathom what these people must be going through. This is one of those stories. The poster describes that she is eight months pregnant and that her husband tragically passed away during the pregnancy. She has turned to his family for support, but her late husband's brother (her brother-in-law) has started trying to be controlling and acting like he is the father of the child or has an equivalent stake of some sort in the situati…
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aita family pregnant - 16985349

Family Demands Sibling Give Money to Habitually Pregnant Sister, Threaten With Disownment

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aita pregnancy pregnant - 16985861

Nurse Makes Trashy Judgement About Patient, Mad She's Been Called Out

A nurse made an assumption and then proceeded with an inappropriate judgment and course of action. Her patient had had enough and reacted to her treatment. Now the patient is wondering if she went too far. This thread was posted to r/AITA (Am I the Asshole) by the patient, u/teenmistakethrowaway (OP), who was facing judgment from the nurse. She is posting this thread to share her story and see whether or not she is in the wrong for her reactions to the nurse's attitude towards her. She notes th…
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