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'Screenshots live forever': Boss shares tone-deaf anecdote about making employees stay late on Christmas Eve, internet takes the side of her employees

One boss shared what she probably thought was an encouraging tale of… making her employees work all day on Christmas Eve . I know what you're thinking: what could possibly be positive about making your employees work the whole day just before a major holiday? Many people depend on that day to travel to their family's houses, hop on a flight, or just need time to wrap up some last-minute gifts. And I know, I know, the employees are getting paid to work a full day… but it's just a nicety that wou…
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New employee cashes several wrong paychecks, is dismayed when her 'paycheck [is] ripped from her hands'

Who is responsible when writing a paycheck goes wrong ? This person, u/Fair_Blueberry_4706, told a story of a woman she knows. They met through an online community, and the OP was surprised to see “Kevina” asking for donations. Why? She was apparently paid several paychecks that weren't hers . Instead of returning it to her employer, this Kevina decided to take advantage of the situation. Apparently, she also didn't consider what would happen if her newfound paychecks got taken from her. So now…
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Sister-in-law this morning on Facebook announced that they are only accepting gift cards in the future....

'People are openly heckling her': Tacky SIL announces her tasteless new gifting rule, gets roasted on Facebook by her own friends and family

Not everyone believes in that old saying, “It's the thought that counts.” U/Salt_Mood_7908 wrote to the r/etiquette sub with a burning question on her mind. She's suddenly found herself in an awkward situation with her SIL. This SIL asked for only “vanilla cards” as presents. While this is a term I've never heard before, it apparently refers to prepaid debit cards . And this SIL wants only those, so that she won't be “loaded down with stuff she won't use.” Now, if you want to have a preference…
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