
poor upper management

reddit, failblog, r-work, workplace, workplace-employee, coworker, bad-coworkers, manager, manager-issues

'I kind of snapped': 26-year-old health employee has had it and gives management a piece of her mind, is wondering if maybe she went too far

Is it a fireable offense to snap at your boss? Or is it a normal human slip-up that happens from time to time? I would go with the latter, but some managers take it as an insult to their authority. The insecure managers. The manager that would throw you under the bus the second you get just a little on their nerves. Unfortunately, there are many managers like this out there running things. So what do you do? One young Redditor asked this exact question. She works in the health industry and is q…
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horrible-boss, how-to-quit, trans-employee, smiling-at-work, smiling-when-nervous, fidget-spinners, fidget-spinners-for-professionals

'I was smiling/laughing too much': Dude decides it's time to update his resume when boss calls him in for a 1:1 just for smiling

You know how your mom is always nitpicking your outfit or your older sibling can call you out on any little thing you think isn't even noticeable. Now, imagine that happening to you every day at work.Sounds like the worse, huh? That's what this Redditor is going through currently. OP says he's the nervous type and tends to smile and/or laugh when he gets heightened emotions. This can come out when they're having meetings. If it's a video meeting and he's on mute, then it's possible to get it co…
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salon-employee, salon-employee-quits, bad-boss, employee-quits-through-text, wage-theft, employees, workplace

'I'm quitting... Over text": Sketchy salon owner blows up at stylist for being 15 minutes late, gives her an ultimatum, so stylist peaces out

Never be afraid to confront a sketchy boss. Seriously, in this day and age, in this economy, it truly behooves you to take initiative like that for your own well being. That's the advice this professional hairstylist needs right now. On reddit , she posts about the awful and very sketchy things the salon owner, her boss, keeps pulling. And in her good nature, she doesn't want to think the worst of her boss. But it's very clear to any reader, that this boss is pulling some nefarious things—the t…
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