

Police. Cops. Popo. 5-O. Whatever officer might be looking for, you'll find all that here and more. These coppers will charge you up like a battery, so get a shock to your system with witty police humor.

WIN!: Mission Accomplished!

bacon completely relevant news food Image news police - 6629374208

Biting Satire WIN

arrest Image police satire toy store - 6616573696

Polis Pls...

Image police wifi - 6600011008
Created by klondike8

Chance Encounter WIN

horse horse head horse mask Image mask meeting police - 6568894720

Photo Op WIN

cops graffiti Image photo op police - 6533002240

In That Case Move Along

police texting texting and driving voting-page - 6529920512

The Po-Po Get in on the Party

alcohol beer pong Image police - 6532313344

Failbook: DEOwned

cops drugs farm government Image police - 6526892544

After 12: Booze News: Justin Clark of North Liberty, Iowa Blows a 0.627 During a DUI Breathalyzer Test

after 12 arrested booze news breathalyzer dui dwi g rated Image Iowa police - 6514438400
Via Digtriad

I Smell a Conspiracy Here...

cops donuts doughnuts dunkin donuts Image police - 6510975232

"Kick Me" Ain't Good Enough Anymore

Image officer police - 6500186112

Help, Police! It's a Beermergency!

beer run cops Image police - 6491428352
Via Huffington Post

Uh Oh, Po Po!

beer cops iced tea Image police - 6491268864

WIN!: Sweet Grinds WIN

g rated Image police skateboard skating sports win - 6462535936

A Corrupt Cop if I've Ever Seen One!

cop doughnuts dunkin donuts Image police - 6458866944

Lock, Stock and Bottle

bottle Image police pun - 6455615744

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