

'You reap what you sow': Basketball players go on a massive winning streak after one player quits team on a whim, claiming team was 'holding him back'

'You reap what you sow': Basketball players go on a massive winning streak after one player quits team on a whim, claiming team was 'holding him back'

Well, well, look what the cat dragged in… A person who got instant karma and regretted leaving a basketball team that he was so adamant about putting down when he was a part of it. No, you will not be rejoining a winning team that has been doing much better since you left, thanks. Basketball was my favorite game during my teenage years. I was only playing for fun at the time because I was way too short to make it onto a team anyway. But I remember how satisfying the feeling was when the ball ac…
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DMing homebrew, vegan player demands a 'cruelty free world' need advice

'I'm not really sure if that's a reasonable request to make': New vegan DND player demands the world be 'cruelty free,' dividing players

As the dungeon master of a longstanding Dungeons & Dragons campaign, this person isn't sure how to respond after receiving a startling request from a brand new player. Using a throwaway account, u/EmotionalMacaroon169 wrote to the r/DND subreddit asking for some advice. The internet doesn't always provide the nuance needed in these scenarios, but people in the comments seemingly understood both sides of the issue. Is this vegan player wrong for demanding a universe that suits her needs at the e…
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