

‘No more overtime; Ok, boss': Machines overheat and shut down after delivery driver complies with demanding supervisor's request to ‘stop taking overtime’, leading to over $10,000 in damages

‘No more overtime; Ok, boss': Machines overheat and shut down after demanding supervisor instructs delivery driver to ‘stop taking overtime’, leading to over $10,000 in damages

When complying with your boss's request ends up costing the company tens of thousands of dollars, be ready to get fired… unless you have receipts. Oftentimes, your boss has their head up in the clouds and doesn't know how things work down on the ground. There is only so much you can tolerate before you begin to maliciously comply with their recurring, ridiculous demands. This being said, you don't always know what your boss is going to stipulate, so at times, you will have to be flexible with s…
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