
Pirates of the Caribbean

A funny Tumblr post goes full lawyer mode on the curse of Davy Jones.

Tumblr Thread Does Deep Dive On Loophole In Davy Jones' Curse

Tumblr back at it again doing what it does best.
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A ridiculous Tumblr thread about Davy Jones' curse from Pirates of the Carribean | sndwave Folgen funniest thing entire pirates caribbean series is definitely one scene At World's End where they have parlay but davy jones is part and rather than have him stand shallows or something they get big bucket water and have stand on on shore who thought idea? who thought “put davy jones bucket water" and had guts suggest aloud? and then who went "hey sounds like great ideal" at some point someone told d

Tumblr Thread: The Logistics Of Davy Jones' Curse

Yay, overthinking to the max.
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Tumblr thread pokes fun at Pirates of The Caribbean | bootslots funniest thing entire pirates caribbean series is definitely one scene At World's End where they have parlay but davy jones is part and rather than have him stand shallows or something they get big bucket water and have stand on on shore who thought idea? who thought "put davy jones bucket water" and had guts suggest aloud? and then who went "hey sounds like great idea at some point someone told davy jones their idea him stand bucke

Tumblr Thread Explores Loophole Of Davy Jones' Curse

This is what Tumblr was made for.
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ancient old FAIL Pirates of the Caribbean savage pirates gun roast bust stupid police - 8996101

Facebook Roasts Police Bust And Jack Sparrow-Ass Gun

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wins Pirates of the Caribbean pirates win - 355334

Pirate Win

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I Hear He's a Real Flip-Flopper

vote jack sparrow Pirates of the Caribbean g rated win - 8370591232
Via Agent--Orange

Forget Whole Bars, is This House Handing Out Magical Talismans?

pumpkins halloween Pirates of the Caribbean carving - 8364466944
Via Scott Cummins
unicycle Pirates of the Caribbean nerdgasm funny Video - 54872577

Celebrate "Talk Like a Pirate Day" With the Unipiper... err... Unipirate?

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Rum Portrait WIN

jack sparrow Pirates of the Caribbean Rum portrait funny - 7686492160
Via Neatorama


jack sparrow Pirates of the Caribbean - 7186140672

Sand Sculpting WIN

sand castle art sculpture Pirates of the Caribbean - 7187545600

Home Theater WIN

Pirates of the Caribbean nerdgasm home theater - 6943641600
Via Web Urbanist

That's What Most People Do There

jack sparrow Pirates of the Caribbean - 6943692544

Peep Hole WIN

clever decorations door illusion Image Pirates of the Caribbean - 6570656768
Via Reddit

But Why Is the Rum Gone?!

Image jack sparrow Pirates of the Caribbean siri why is the rum gone - 6566077952


Pirates of the Caribbean siri voting-page - 6563132160
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