
Flight attendant discovers pilot boyfriend has another girlfriend, she sabotages his apartment while he's away: 'She soaked his carpets and curtains in water'

Flight attendant discovers pilot boyfriend has another girlfriend, she sabotages his apartment while he's away: 'She soaked his carpets and curtains in water'

Tall passenger receives flight upgrade after demanding neighbor forces pilot to step in and fix seating arrangements: 'I'll stop when I can put my seat back'

Passenger gets instant karma after demanding pilot step in and fix seating arrangements, prompting pilot to upgrade his neighbor instead: 'I'll stop when I can put my seat back'

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Karen accosts flight attendant, scraps with pilot, gets kicked off plane

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'Pilot: "I'm not flying this"': Airline industry workers share the wildest things they've ever seen

'Have fun waiting for two hours': Crew member reveals that pilot held up flight after telling crew members to stop bugging him

'Have fun waiting for two hours': Crew member reveals that pilot held up flight after telling crew members to stop bugging him

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'All crying stopped': Wholesome airplane pilot saves a woman's toddler from having a meltdown on a flight, restoring faith in humanity

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'People turn crazy at the airport': Entitled passenger refuses to store their bag in the overhead bin, getting himself arrested and forcing the entire plane to disembark

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'Colleague makes me wait, I get even': Woman gets revenge on coworker by not telling him that their flight was delayed, making him wait 2 hours

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'He kept going and going': Pilot puts an inexplicable plane Karen in her place

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'He instructed his daughter to kick my seat': Flight attendants share the most entitled behaviors they've ever witnessed on planes

'I've upgraded to first class. Now move': Entitled woman decides to bump airplane passenger to get to first class

'I've upgraded to first class. Now move': Entitled woman makes executive decision to bump airplane passenger to get to first class

AITA for calling my husband insane for missing work just to teach me a lesson because I didn't iron his uniform?

'He decided to miss his shift as a way to teach me a lesson': Wife forgets to iron husband's uniform, he lashes out

A crazy Tumblr post about how a pilot ends up surviving an absolutely catastrophic malfunction on a plane.

Pilot's Window Breaks, Copilot Goes Full Superhero Mode

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Pilot Masterfully Recovers From Boeing 717-200 Plane Stall

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Turkish F-16 Pilot Flies Extremely Close Over Spectators

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Clever Pilot Trolls Other Aircraft By Requesting Speed Check

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