
Delicious Revenge: Man Disables Obnoxious Colleague’s Access Pass to Teach Him a Lesson

Delicious Revenge: Man Disables Obnoxious Colleague’s Access Pass to Teach Him a Lesson

HOA gets hilariously trolled after emailing a petty violation email to the wrong person

Woman is mistakenly emailed an HOA violation for a property 600 miles away, trolls them with epic pettiness

My GF got an illegal Airbnb ring in her apartment complex busted

'Absolutely not': Couple discovers their neighbor is running an illegal Airbnb ring, she gets the leasing office involved

Oh you’re gonna call cops bc 1/5th of my car is past the no parking sign, guess I’m gonna park there everyday now

'The last time I parked there, the lady [...] looked LIVID': Woman gets petty revenge on entitled neighbors by parking in their spot

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Brother Proposes at Guy's Wedding, Guy Ruins Brother's Whole Relationship

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Impatient Parker Honks at Spot-Leaver, Takes as Long as Possible to Leave

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Dingus Haggles For Discount On Motorcycle That's Less Than the Value of Included Replacement Parts, Has Immediate Regret

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"No Snack" Rule Technicality Snafu Drives Worker to Quit Pedantic Boss

Karen Calls Cops on Woman for Eating a Burrito Bowl on a Floaty Outside on the Grass, New Level of Petty Unlocked

Karen Calls Cops on Woman for Eating a Burrito Bowl on a Floaty Outside in her Yard, New Level of Petty Unlocked

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Cheating Cousin Plans to Marry New Boyfriend, Family Plans Vacation on Her Wedding Day Instead

woman changes party theme to make half sister look stupid

Woman Changes Party to Costume Party So Try-Hard Sister Can't Stand Out

woman tricks in-laws into trying her cake pops to prove them wrong

Woman Deploys Cake Subterfuge To Prove Her In-Laws Are All Liars

petty reasons people stopped dating

30 People Share The Pettiest Reason They Stopped Dating Someone

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Petty Things People Did With Zero Regrets

Roommate ID card revenge

Entitled Thief Roommate Inspires Expensive ID Card Revenge

petty revenge on diaper scammers

Dude Dupes Diaper Scammers, Leaves Them High And Dry