
'My landlord installed cameras because she took him to court so often': 20+ Extra petty neighbors

'My landlord installed cameras because she took him to court so often': 20+ Extra petty neighbors

'She put real effort into messing with me': Woman gets back at puzzle-obsessed ex by charging him for missing pieces

'She put real effort into messing with me': Woman gets back at puzzle-obsessed ex by charging him for missing pieces

'We didn't see Zen Dude back at the park again': Entitled yogi makes enemies at local dog park, other dog owners deflates his tires

'We didn't see Zen Dude back at the park again': Entitled yogi makes enemies at local dog park, other dog owners deflate his tires

'I finally found the kind of sport I can do... Dwelling in the petty': Woman struggling to lose weight finally loses 40lbs all because she wanted to get back at her ex-best friend

'I finally found the kind of sport I can do... Dwelling in the petty': Woman struggling to lose weight finally loses 40lbs all because she wanted to get back at her ex-best friend

'I went into the office and broke my lease': Greedy real estate agent gets his comeuppance, tenant costs him six weeks of rent money

'I went into the office and broke my lease': Greedy real estate agent gets his comeuppance, tenant costs him six weeks of rent money

'Try to scam me? [...] I'll scam you back': Guy gets even with petty scammer after being sold broken furniture

'Try to scam me? [...] I'll scam you back': Guy gets even with petty scammer after being sold broken furniture

Guy goes to Coachella to get back at cheating ex, makes petty post online: 'I saw every single one of his favorite artists'

Guy goes to Coachella to get back at cheating ex, makes petty post online: 'I saw every single one of his favorite artists'

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Property owner devises a plan to get back at the county after they tried to steal 3,750 square feet of his land: ‘They won’t be extending the road after all'

'If you’re going to talk a big game... be sure you can play it': Assembly line worker insists he can do the job of two workers, coworker calls his bluff

'If you’re going to talk a big game... be sure you can play it': Assembly line worker insists he can do the job of two workers, coworker calls his bluff

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'We both sink to the bottom': Betta fish funeral sparks roommate revenge, causing a feud that makes a friendship go belly up

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Homeowner gets even with bullying home buyers and their shady agent: 'He absolutely demanded that he be paid'

'[I] filled the blue soap with Blue Rit Dye': Tenant enacts petty payback on neighbors for always using her laundry detergent

'[I] filled the blue soap with Blue Rit Dye': Tenant enacts petty payback on neighbors for always using her laundry detergent

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'Let them down slowly': Apartment dweller hijacks the elevator to get payback against an entitled group of dawdlers

‘They divorced over a $4 book’: People Share Stories About Petty Divorces

‘They divorced over a $4 book’: People Share Stories About Petty Divorces

'I put a fake note on a Corvettes' windshield': College student gets back at entitled driver taking up four parking spots

'I put a fake note on a Corvettes' windshield': College student gets back at entitled driver taking up four parking spots

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Dad turns salty when the ‘fruit fairy’ next door builds a net around their guava tree: ‘I said he could buy some [fruit] off me if he wanted’