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'You know what? $2.22': Clever customer leaves a symbolically low tip after server snubs his family for a happy hour deal

Gen Zer demands cousin translate a poem to secure date, only for cousin to deliberately mistranslate and sabotage his chances

Gen Zer demands cousin translate a poem to secure date, only for cousin to deliberately mistranslate and sabotage his chances

'Some people think rules don't apply to them': Neighbor steals guy's parking spot, guy blocks him from leaving and makes him apologize

'Some people think rules don't apply to them': Neighbor steals guy's parking spot, guy blocks him from leaving and makes him apologize

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Man discovers weeks of fraudulent charges to credit card, tracks down purchases and gets thieves arrested at nearby hotel: 'You did a public service shutting those guys down'

Karen throws fit at neighbor for using her electricity to mow her lawn, cue payback: 'I can't pick my neighbors, but I can pick their lock'

Karen throws fit at neighbor for using her electricity to mow her lawn, cue payback: 'I can't pick my neighbors, but I can pick their lock'

'It felt pretty sweet to put those downstairs neighbors through the wringer': Guy sabotages neighbor's condo sale, derails process by stalling approval

'It felt pretty sweet to put those downstairs neighbors through the wringer': Guy sabotages neighbor's condo sale, derails process by stalling approval

Woman gets $1.25/gallon off fuel by mooching off of discount from husband's ex-wife: 'It took about two years for her to realize'

Woman gets $1.25/gallon off fuel by mooching off of discount from husband's ex-wife: 'It took about two years for her to realize'

'His neighbor [...] started hosting loud parties into the night': Engineer rigs apparatus to sabotage neighbor's incessant pool parties

'His neighbor [...] started hosting loud parties into the night': Engineer rigs apparatus to sabotage neighbor's incessant pool parties

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'She was mortified, caught in the act': Employees Share Satisfying Revenge Stories of What Happened to the Office Food Thief

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'Here's where it gets petty': Early riser gets revenge on a reckless driver by spam-calling the number on his SUV's 'For Sale' sign at the crack of dawn

'I'll make your room a sauna': College student messes with thermostat, engages in petty back-and-forth with upstairs roommates

'I'll make your room a sauna': College student messes with thermostat, engages in petty back-and-forth with upstairs roommates

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Evil stepdad gets glitter-bombed after pitting a pair of sisters against each other: ‘I'll give you a reason to call me [a bad example]'

'My daddy is the landlord, so he'll always take my side': Tenant gets back at entitled neighbor, cuts their Wi-Fi access

'My daddy is the landlord, so he'll always take my side': Tenant gets back at entitled neighbor, cuts their Wi-Fi access

'Careful what you ask for': Entitled home buyers demand seller clean out all the 'garbage' they left, seller complies, removing thousands of dollars in renovations

'Careful what you ask for': Entitled home buyers demand seller clean out all the 'garbage' they left, seller complies, removing thousands of dollars in renovations

Student tricks classmate who keeps stealing his answers, cheater flunks the next test: 'He never copied my tests again'

Student tricks classmate who keeps stealing his answers, cheater flunks the next test: 'He never copied my tests again'

entitled construction workers not abiding by neighborhood code results in man getting fined 200 euros so he bites back with a delicious petty revenge

Man gets fined $216, bites back at entitled construction workers after they failed to follow neighborhood codes: ‘Traffic Enforcement number is on my speed dial’