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Old Lady Steals Bike, Pays For It With Smelly Apartment

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Dirty Doctor Discharged For Doing Depraved Deeds, Caught By Clever IT Trap

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Cocky-Demeaning Mechanic Gives Fixed Quote, Job Goes Way Over

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Cheapskate Tries to Renegotiate Price of Goods on Pickup, Ends Up Paying More

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Entitled Couple Loses Out Big-Time When They Sit on an Offer For Their House

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Awful Coworker Ruins Nurse's Prospects, She Returns the Favor

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Woman Catches Lunch Thieving Coworker Red-Handed, Puts Him on Blast in Front of Everyone

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Scumbag Tries to Force College Girl to Push Past Him on the Bus, She Does Exactly That

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Nutjob Temp Conspires to Get Guy Fired, He Turns the Tables and Sends Her Packing

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Pizza Place Advertises Wrong Number, Refuses to Fix, Family Takes Fake Orders

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Busy Body "HOA Karen" Tows Guy's Big Benz, Not Actually on HOA Board, Gets Sued Silly

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Shipping Company Denies Responsibility After Smashing Dying Mother's MacBook, Son-In-Law Takes Them to Court

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Mean Girl Kicks Girl Out of Her Birthday Party, Stellar Mother Irate, Takes Back Presents

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Flower Shop Reneges on Promised Funeral Arangements, Daughter's Boyfriend's Revenge Saves the Day

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Insolent-Idiot Neighbor Tries to Mess With the HOA, Loses His Parking Spot Permanently

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Heartless New Neighbor Ignites Driveway Feud, Loses and Ends Up With Tiny Driveway