petty revenge

 teens teenager petty-revenge-reddit teenagers revenge revenge-stories petty revenge petty football High school sports

'He looked shocked when he saw us walk in': Group of teenage girls confront their "very strict" high school football coach

 petty revenge petty petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories entitled entitled people demanding Cousins family kids babysitting babysitter

'Never got asked to babysit again': Teenager gets petty revenge on older cousin who insists they clean her house each week

‘I’m still talking’: Stubborn Dad keeps cutting off his 28-year-old daughter mid-sentence, she gets even by cutting off his electricity

‘I’m still talking’: Stubborn Dad keeps cutting off his 28-year-old daughter mid-sentence, she gets even by cutting off his electricity

 karen karens in the wild karens entitled entitled people demanding karen story work workplace Jobs job workplace-stories petty revenge petty petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories

'My teenage self took petty revenge': 16-year-old beauty salon employee gets back at Karen coworker

 petty revenge petty petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors fence

Neighbors disagree over 4cm fence measurement: '[My] neighbor was petty... I'm going to make him replace his whole fence'

 counseling counselor student counsel Students teenagers Teens high school school petty revenge petty petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories

'My guidance counselor told me I wasn’t "university material"': Former student gets petty revenge on guidance counselor years later

Mom makes it her mission to sabotage teacher's career after teacher unfairly picked on her 7-year-old kid: 'I wanted only to ruin her'

Mom makes it her mission to sabotage teacher's career after teacher unfairly picked on her 7-year-old kid: 'I wanted only to ruin her'

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'My CPA was laughing so hard he almost fell out of his chair':"Fake engineer" buys entire meal for bragging dinner guests to prove a point

 petty revenge petty petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories work workplace Jobs job Boss bosses workplace-stories

'It is very satisfying firing a customer': Customer fakes $3,000 discount at car dealership, employee and GM team up to fire their own customer

 neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor pro revenge parking space parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama parking stories petty revenge

Neighbor parks in homeowner's front yard declaring it to be a "community parking area," gets towed :'She parked in my front yard'

petty revenge payback work worker workers employee it tech support reddit thread workplace funny petty-revenge silly interesting job business company prank

'[He] was on 24/7 call, so unplugging the phone wasn't an option': Tech support guy gets revenge on an angry IT customer by programming the office phone to call him at 2, 3, and 4 AM every night

terrible boss employee satisfying job presentation revenge work coworkers petty revenge entitled people karma prank workplace entitled payback entitled people employment - 37636869

'It was nonsense': Entitled employee constantly takes credit for other's work, coworker gets revenge by making a fake presentation for her to present in front of boss

'My coworker has it out for me': 29-year-old bartender on closing shift gets back at work enemy by making her opening shift the next day more difficult

'My coworker has it out for me': 29-year-old bartender on closing shift gets back at work enemy by making her opening shift the next day more difficult

'Wrecked my landlady's flower garden': Duplex resident discovers landlady stole from her garden, she enacts petty revenge

'Wrecked my landlady's flower garden': Duplex resident discovers landlady stole from her garden, she enacts petty revenge

‘Her face burning red with embarrassment’: Karen tries to swipe aisle seat from rightful paying owner, gets tricked into leaving and satisfyingly shamed

‘Her face burning red with embarrassment’: Karen tries to swipe aisle seat from rightful paying owner, gets tricked into leaving and satisfyingly shamed

Neighbor's kids sneak into resident's pool despite him refusing them repeatedly, leading resident to put up a fence to stop them from getting near the property: ‘You got fenced’

Neighbor's kids sneak into resident's pool despite him refusing them repeatedly, leading resident to put up a fence to stop them from getting near the property: ‘You got fenced’