petty revenge

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'[Don't] charge senseless, greedy fees': Landlord charges tenants $10/month to pay rent online; thrifty tenant mails a paper check instead, forcing the landlord to go to the bank every month

'I got her fired': Woman from HR makes employee's life difficult, employee names her in company-wide email announcing resignation

'I got her fired': Woman from HR makes employee's life difficult, employee names her in company-wide email announcing resignation

'Yes, I am 32 and egg a 16 year old kid's car': 25+ People who got satisfying pay back

'Yes, I am 32 and egg a 16 year old kid's car': 25+ Petty people who got satisfying payback

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'I pretended to be a recruiter to troll a former workplace bully': Worker gets revenge on Karen coworker by pretending to be a recruiter offering her a better job

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'I called their bluff': Parking company threatens lawsuit over $10 ticket loophole, driver says "go ahead"

'I walked past the entitled women, snagged one of the carts full of groceries and took off': Customer teaches entitled Karens a lesson for being inconsiderate to a employee

'[I] snagged one of the carts full of groceries and took off': Customer teaches entitled Karens a lesson for dissing an employee

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'He broke his vow of silence': Queue skipping monk gets swarmed by ants thanks to ant-y-hero monk's revenge

'They have lost over half of their contracts': HOA board member discovers shady behavior from management company, protects homeowners with petty payback

'They have lost over half of their contracts': HOA board member discovers shady behavior from management company, protects homeowners with petty payback

'I was shocked at how petty it was': Guy with six cars parks in front of neighbor's house, neighbor gets HOA-sanctioned payback

'I was shocked at how petty it was': Guy with six cars parks in front of neighbor's house, neighbor gets HOA-sanctioned payback

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'I just lost it laughing': Karenzilla accosts a minimum wage worker and tries to steal another customer's snow tires; gets put in her place and run out of the store

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'[I] let the air out': Guy gets even with aggressively parked lifted truck driver who parked too close to his vehicle

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'This just became a very cramped situation': Airline passenger steals guy's plane seat, guy sits on top of him

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'I used my meal plan to feed over 120 less fortunate people': College student gets back at uptight university and their scamming meal system by feeding the less fortunate

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'[They were] mean-mugging through their car window': Couple leaves their shopping cart in the parking lot, guy blocks their exit and returns abandoned carts for 15 minutes

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'I gave the maid a tip': Party girls face a $200 fine and a wakeup call at the crack of dawn after disturbing a dad in desperate need of a restful vacation

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'Her biggest pet peeve was when people used "they"': Student complies to teacher's grammatical demands