petty revenge

‘You’ve made your bed so lie in it’: Art student gets even with teacher after being picked on for 6 months, her entire class gets rearranged

‘You’ve made your bed so lie in it’: Art student gets even with teacher after being picked on for 6 months, her entire class gets rearranged

'The yolks on him': Prankster takes down coworker's Do Not Disturb sign during work trip, coworker gets even by ordering a pricey breakfast on his bill

'The yolks on him': Prankster takes down coworker's Do Not Disturb sign during work trip, coworker gets even by charging a pricey breakfast on his room

‘I left his office and laughed’: Employee gets back at micromanager by signing him up for hundreds of mailing lists

‘I left his office and laughed’: Employee gets back at micromanager by signing him up for hundreds of mailing lists

'Pay up': Client refuses to pay catering service, leaving company with $2000 expenses, client demands they cater another event

'Pay up': Client refuses to pay catering service, leaving company with $2000 expenses, client demands they cater another event

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Guy sells grandma a used car, grandkids trick him into quitting his job for a fake one: 'Should have done your due diligence'

'Please pick up after your dog': Neighbor feud escalates from petty signs to sabotage

'Please pick up after your dog': Neighbor feud escalates from petty signs to lawn sabotage

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'She was livid': Woman fills apartment with carnivorous plants to spite her vegan roommate

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'Follow me to my house, I'll follow you back': Driver pulls a daring uno reverse on a road-rager, teaching him a valuable lesson

‘You are not university material’: Student gets back at guidance counselor who told her she wasn’t smart enough to get into college

‘You are not university material’: Student gets back at guidance counselor who told her she wasn’t smart enough to get into college

'Just a matter of time before he'll have to explain': Neighbor doubles down on overreaction

'Just a matter of time before he'll have to explain': Neighbor doubles down on overreaction

 ‘To say the house smelt worse than a tin of cat food was an understatement’: Exasperated man gives untidy roommate a taste of her own medicine, roommate moves out

‘To say the house smelt worse than a tin of cat food was an understatement’: Exasperated man gives untidy roommate a taste of her own medicine, roommate moves out

Ex-Wife Enforces Petty Divorce Rule, Husband Gets Even With Malicious Compliance, Both Get Roasted Online

Ex-Wife Enforces Petty Divorce Rule, Husband Gets Even With Malicious Compliance, Both Get Roasted Online

Employee gets back at jealous coworker for critiquing their every move: 'Petty? Yes. Worth it? Definitely!'

Employee gets back at jealous coworker for critiquing their every move: 'Petty? Yes. Worth it? Definitely!'

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'Smells like broccoli, sweat, and Funyuns in here!': Couple gets revenge on rowdy neighbors by throwing anchovies in their AC

‘You ask and you shall receive’: After failing in his attempt to overshadow the waitress and impress his date, customer spends the entire evening eating out of to-go bags

‘You ask and you shall receive’: After failing in his attempt to overshadow the waitress and impress his date, customer spends the entire evening eating out of to-go bags

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Resident gets back at lazy city officials after traffic lights cause unnecessary traffic: 'I got a 4x8 piece of plywood'