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'Don't offend me': Company 'rewards' 20 years of loyalty with a meager 4 days of PTO, employees left flabbergasted

Company loyalty isn't really a thing anymore. Our Boomer parents can boast about their pensions and their work ethic, but when a company has nothing to give you after years of service–not even an inflation-covering raise–why would you stick around? Contrary to popular belief, you CAN buy loyalty… especially in the workplace.
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Boss manager supervisor pension work retire retiring retired employee worker fired quit reddit antiwork wholesome advice

'If I leave, my pension will be cut by two-thirds': With a $70k pension on the line, boss tries to get a loyal employee to quit by being insufferable in the workplace

Would you quit tomorrow if someone gave you $70,000 a year for the rest of your life? At that price you'd probably at least consider early retirement.
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gift-card retirement retired retiree job work corporate unfair fast-food fast-food-chain franchise company loyalty pension worker part-time employee reward gift celebration

'[They] gave him a gift card for 30+ years of loyalty': Fast food employee celebrates retirement; gets 'rewarded' by corporate with a pathetic gift card

Back in the day, when mythical pensions existed and companies took care of their employees, workers would typically stay at their job and work for their company for decades, oftentimes riding out their first entry-level position all the way to retirement. Nowadays, celebrating a 2 year anniversary with a company is a huge accomplishment and most employees just don't have the same kind of loyalty anymore. In this case, one part-time employee had just celebrated his 30 year anniversary before...
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