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'Our apartment plummeted to 50°F, that was the final straw': Penny-pinching landlord charged $650 after telling their tenants they can't use the gas heater, tenants warm the house with the electric oven instead

Two words: Polar. Vortex.
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Brazen Roommate Tricks Their ‘Friend’ into Paying 2x the Rent Every Month, Gets Caught Redhanded

The heavy hand of retribution falls hardest on a parasitic roommate.
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'I missed the part where that's my problem': Tenant enjoys an 'I-told-you-so' moment after refusing to cooperate with unprepared realtors; agents get locked out

For some odd reason, realtors and landlords seem to think that everyone is sitting around at home all the time. Because they like to think we're loafing around the house at all hours, it means that they can simply pop by at any moment, expecting us to be ready to greet them at the entryway. Newsflash: Tenants have lives and we are not waiting on your beck and call.
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'[Don't] charge senseless, greedy fees': Landlord charges tenants $10/month to pay rent online; thrifty tenant mails a paper check instead, forcing the landlord to go to the bank every month

Just the knowledge that our landlords probably bought our apartment for 1/10th it's current value and are living fat off of our rent check every month is enough to grind every tenant's gears, but if a landlord has the audacity to wring out a single cent more than our rent amount at the end of the month, we feel the back of our throats prickle with rage.
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'Landlord is ignoring my notice to vacate': Woman deals with landlord who doesn't want to lose her

Man worries about getting evicted, even though he gave notice to his landlord.
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'Bro my rent is $2800, I ain't tipping': Audacious landlords suggest that their tenants should be tipping on top of their rent as a gratuity towards '24/7 services'

'Bro my rent is $2800, I ain't tipping': Audacious landlords suggest that their tenants should be tipping on top of their rent as a gratuity towards '24/7 services'

To landlords, there are a few easy solutions for every problem. Leak in the ceiling? Paint over it. Hole in the drywall? Paint. Are paint costs getting a little too high? Rent hike– it's time to charge your loyal tenants 15% more every month for nothing. If you've ever been a renter, you know that some landlords (most actually) can be huge jerks. For some reason, landlords take the ‘lord’ portion of their title a little bit too far and expect their tenants to act as fiefdom under their ruling,…
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