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'They had their chance': Post-resignation, boss begs his employee to stay longer to train his replacement, gets denied

Managerial hubris is one of the reasons employees hate their jobs. Not only are we lacking in pay, but we are enslaved to the most incompetent group of overinflated bimbos who could easily be replaced by AI– at leas the replacement would be more charismatic. But these types of managers will deny your raise and then come begging for your help. Which is it? Do you value my hard work or not?
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'PAY ME THE MONEY YOU OWE': Employee gets $1,100 in cash after weeks of neglect on payday, boss pays 4x what she initially owed

When your rich boss ghosts you on payday, there are a lot of bigger issues going on. Either your boss is negligent and simply doesn't care about their business (you know, the hobbyist type), or money simply isn't a factor to them– they don't imagine that being paid is the primary reason folks stay employed. We're not out here working for free, people!
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Just Hang In There

payday funny image Just Hang In There
Via distinguishedbaloney

Monday Thru Friday: I Think I'll Buy a PS3!

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Payday is never as exciting as it should be

broke Hall of Fame payday - 5688588800
Via Reddit
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