

'Comply with your own covenants, then': HOA president sends entire neighborhood notices for violations; one resident flips the script

'Comply with your own covenants, then': HOA president sends entire neighborhood notices for violations; one resident flips the script

Housing communities are continuously getting more and more infamous for the unfair, ridiculous rules they enforce, yet ironically, don't apply to themselves. The head of HOA, also known as 'President', gets to write all the rules along with the rest of the board, usually making sure that the rules are in compliance with his or her own personal preferences. I was flabbergasted to read that an HOA president took it upon himself to drive all around u/smocky13's neighborhood, looking to see whose g…
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Update: ‘Instead of getting promoted, I got fired’: Employee comes home from vacation, finds out they lost promotion, then gets fired

Update: ‘Instead of getting promoted, I got fired’: Employee comes home from vacation, finds out they lost promotion, then gets fired

Despite finding it difficult to fathom, I am fully aware that coworkers have the tendency to try throwing you under the bus, and you can either sit there and take it, or hatch a clever plan to dodge their attempts. But sometimes, the bad guy wins… we aren't exactly living in a corporate fairy tale. Before we get into u/TroaAxaltion's story of petty revenge that actually ended them up being fired, you can check out their first original post for some extra context, here. OP was working in the con…
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'I left the lid open for good measure': Resident gets even with neighbor who kept using their trash can, placing bin by their patio

'I left the lid open for good measure': Resident gets even with neighbor who kept using their trash can, placing bin by their patio

Every apartment/home comes with a unique set of problems, unless you're Bill Gates, of course. Either your boiler keeps breaking down, your roof is leaking, or a pipe burst. Perhaps you don't have any of the above issues, but your neighbors are an absolute pain to deal with. Well, in that case, join the club… See, I've had a neighbor or two who made it their mission to make my life as miserable as possible, so I can definitely relate to OP, who was fed up with his own neighbor's rude antics. Ye…
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‘You pay for what you don’t fix': Landlord refuses to fix mold infestation for college student, leading to $50,000 in fines due to discounting code enforcement citations

‘You pay for what you don’t fix': Landlord refuses to fix mold infestation for college student, leading to $50,000 in fines due to discounting code enforcement citations

Your landlord either constantly pesters you, or you see them once a year when they come to collect the checks; there is no in-between. This landlord in particular was renting out a room to OP (who was in college at the time) among a few others, which happened to be in a wooden house. I'm purposely describing the material of said house, as it becomes an important factor later in the story. Now, when OP initially toured the house, she didn't find anything out of the ordinary. After OP moved in th…
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‘You wanted me to do the speech, deal with it’: Professor gets even with Dean after being ordered to make a speech for 150 students

‘You wanted me to do the speech, deal with it’: Professor gets even with Dean after being ordered to make a speech for 150 students

The power struggle between different forces in high school is real… in this case, OP relayed a high school experience that left them in everlasting awe of their mechanography teacher. Whenever an important date approached, all the students would line up in the courtyard, standing still in formation as one of the teachers would do a speech about whatever day it was and the importance of it. Said speeches would amount to maybe 10-15 minutes, which was fair, because keeping 150 teenagers lined up…
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‘I was denied a raise, so I quit’: Boss denies IT employee 5-10% raise, employee quits, leading to boss paying 40% extra for replacement

‘I was denied a raise, so I quit’: Boss denies IT employee 5-10% raise, employee quits, leading to boss paying 40% extra for replacement

For some unfathomable reason, companies have a larger hiring budget than retention budget. They're willing to pay more money to hire a new employee, than they would be willing to pay as a raise for an existing employee. OP was working as a junior at an IT job for a company. During OP's yearly evaluation, they asked their boss for a 5-10% raise, which was completely fair, as they had taken on many responsibilities since the beginning of their employment. OP's boss refused, giving a bunch of reas…
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