pay back

Grocery store Karen throws tantrum when she can't save 5-cents on toothpaste, blames Democrats: ‘Make coupons work great again!’

Grocery store Karen throws tantrum when she can't save 5 cents on toothpaste, blames Democrats: ‘Make coupons work great again!’

Group of entitled ruffians try to sneakily swipe a table at a sports bar that a man is already sitting at, man sneaks them his bill instead: ‘Eventually I go get my bill…'

Group of entitled ruffians try to sneakily swipe a table at a sports bar that a man is already sitting at, man sneaks them his bill instead: ‘Eventually I go get my bill…'

Controlling parents demand 20-year-old daughter give them the inheritance her grandmother left her, seeks advice: ‘I want to make my grandmother happy and fulfill her wish’

Controlling parents demand 20-year-old daughter give them the inheritance her grandmother left her, seeks advice: ‘I want to make my grandmother happy and fulfill her wish’

Wife demands husband stops paying child support to his ex and starts covering more of her expenses, he refuses: ‘I told her to call her lawyer’

Wife demands husband stops paying child support to his ex and starts covering more of her expenses, he refuses: ‘I told her to call her lawyer’

‘I ain’t reinforcing this’: Father tries to manipulate behavioral therapist daughter into uninviting her mom to her wedding, laughs in his face

‘I ain’t reinforcing this’: Father tries to manipulate behavioral therapist daughter into uninviting her mom to her wedding, laughs in his face

‘Her face burning red with embarrassment’: Karen tries to swipe aisle seat from rightful paying owner, gets tricked into leaving and satisfyingly shamed

‘Her face burning red with embarrassment’: Karen tries to swipe aisle seat from rightful paying owner, gets tricked into leaving and satisfyingly shamed

'[She's] extremely demanding': Parents concerned for son after fiancée turns into bridezilla during the wedding planning, turn to strangers online for advice

'[She's] extremely demanding': Parents concerned for son after fiancée turns into bridezilla during the wedding planning, turn to strangers online for advice

‘I felt so smug’: Drivers share their pettiest parking ordeals that ended in a standoff

‘I felt so smug’: Drivers share their pettiest parking ordeals that ended in a standoff

'That's why his wife left him': Married man keeps bothering guy's girlfriend, so the boyfriend makes a Tinder profile using the married man's photos

'That's why his wife left him': Married man keeps bothering guy's girlfriend, so the boyfriend makes a Tinder profile using the married man's photos

‘Totally made my night’: Hotel concierge gets a business call from another hotel's employee, quickly turns into relatable rant about entitled guests

‘Totally made my night’: Hotel concierge gets a business call from another hotel's employee, quickly turns into relatable rant about entitled guests

‘Cool, right?’: Employee goes on a 2-week vacation after working 24-7 for 4 months and only making $15 per hour, gets fired over email due to small miscommunication

‘Cool, right?’: Employee goes on a 2-week vacation after working 7-days a week for 4 months and only makes $15 per hour, gets fired over email due to small miscommunication

‘He didn’t even challenge [me]’: Entitled hotel guest makes one false move and gets kicked out before he can even make it to his room, still gets charged

‘He didn’t even challenge [me]’: Entitled hotel guest makes one false move and gets kicked out before he can even make it to his room, still gets charged

‘I took the opportunity’: Guy wronged by entitled guy standing in front of him in line for the porta-potties gets ultimate revenge using a zip-tie

‘I took the opportunity’: Guy wronged by entitled guy standing in front of him in line for the porta-potties gets ultimate revenge using a zip-tie

'They get nothing': Family of Karens demand free amenities at hotel, get denied, so they try to run a scam but foil their own plans with their faulty hubris

'They get nothing': Entitled family demands free amenities at hotel, get denied, so they try to run a scam but foil their own plans with their faulty hubris

‘These guys deserve whatever consequences’: Hotel employee at his wit's end calls the health department on the place, discovering a disgusting amount of violations

‘These guys deserve whatever consequences’: Hotel employee at his wit's end calls the health department on the place, discovering a disgusting amount of violations

‘We were all RIGHT there’: Woman throwing tantrum at a drive-thru window to get a refund on her food from YESTERDAY, gets put in her place by 4 different employees

‘We were all RIGHT there’: Woman throwing tantrum at a drive-thru window to get a refund on her food from YESTERDAY, gets put in her place by 4 different employees