
part time

'Don't answer them': Recruiters continuously call an employee on the weekend, offering part time job that pays $250 per hour, internet informs employee it's a fraud

'Don't answer them': Recruiters continuously call an employee on the weekend, offering part time job that pays $250 per hour, internet informs employee it's a fraud

At 5:30 am, one person was enjoying some sleep on their weekend, when they heard a ‘ding’ from their phone. Who on earth would text at this hour? Well, lots of people, if it were an emergency. But it wasn't… it was a recruiter, and they were offering the person a job. This job sounded enticing indeed, as it was part-time, and it was $250 per hour. Or… was it? I can smell a scam from a mile away, and anyone who texts me that isn't on my contact list raises my immediate suspicion. Who are you, ho…
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'So you want to own me for $1900 a month??': Part time employee seethes after getting forced to work 5 days a week

Would you rather work a 10-hour shift or a 4-hour shift? At first, it might seem nice to take the shorter shift but then think of all of the lost time spent getting ready for work, getting there, getting back, and decompressing. By the end of the day, your 4 hours is looking more like 6 and at that point, your entire day is lost. So when we're faced with the choice to lose a full day of our lives to our jobs, wouldn't you rather be paid a little overtime?
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'I don't have to do half of my job anymore': Part-time grocery worker asks for raise after halting extra work

'I don't have to do half of my job anymore': Part-time grocery worker asks for raise after halting extra work

As a grocery store employee , this part-time worker is known for taking on additional work to make the store run smoother. You'd think that would make them the ideal employee! But at this grocery store , that's just not how things work. As the OP explained in their story, they work very hard at their job, doing tasks that honestly sound like managerial work, like adjusting inventory or handling deliveries. Despite that, they still did all these things happily, until a new boss decided to step i…
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gift-card retirement retired retiree job work corporate unfair fast-food fast-food-chain franchise company loyalty pension worker part-time employee reward gift celebration

'[They] gave him a gift card for 30+ years of loyalty': Fast food employee celebrates retirement; gets 'rewarded' by corporate with a pathetic gift card

Back in the day, when mythical pensions existed and companies took care of their employees, workers would typically stay at their job and work for their company for decades, oftentimes riding out their first entry-level position all the way to retirement. Nowadays, celebrating a 2 year anniversary with a company is a huge accomplishment and most employees just don't have the same kind of loyalty anymore. In this case, one part-time employee had just celebrated his 30 year anniversary before...
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boss bad-bosses bad-boss hardworking employee employees underpaid overworked reddit antiwork manager gas-station convenience-store store part-time schedule shifts working paycheck pay second-job

'He's lucky I didn't quit on the spot': Hardworking employee gets a second job to make ends meet; get chastised by his first boss when he's no longer available 24/7

Bosses don't always appreciate the hard work we do. In this case, one employee was painfully reminded of that truth after they got burned by the strict scheduling. As one of the unlucky part-time employees, OP was doomed to be scheduled for only 10 hours per week at the gas station. Originally, that seemed fine because they were also going to school, but as the money dwindled and the bills piled up, OP had no choice but to seek out more hours.
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