

Park across 2 spaces so nobody parks next to you? Challenge accepted!

'HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET IN!': Entitled parkers try to take multiple parking spots and leave one tiny one, dude accepts their challenge

Sometimes a moment so perfect presents itself to us that it's impossible to resist temptation — even if it's something we know we shouldn't be doing. Bonus points here if doing said inadvisable act results in just desserts being served on deserving, entitled persons. That's the chance that presented itself to Redditor u/Jack932008 when they happened across a tiny empty parking space that we being encroached upon by the two adjacent entitled parkers, who were trying to keep their cars well away…
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karens parking space parking lot revenge petty revenge parking-wars entitled reddit thread Reddit karen parking entitled people - 17817861

Insane Karen Engages in 'Parking War' With Disabled Veteran, He Gets Revenge

This disabled veteran was at the VA pharmacy picking up some medication when a hostile Karen confronted them. They had brought their mobility scooter to help them navigate the “labyrinth" that is the local VA hospital and arrived at a crawling parking lot. All went smoothly, and they did their business before returning to their vehicle, intending to load the scooter up and “get the heck out of Dodge.” When they arrived in the parking lot and approached their vehicle, a car Karen began to get ag…
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