
parking ticket

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'[My chargeback] valued at more than the parking ticket': Woman wrongly ticketed by local parking enforcement is resolved to make them pay, submits chargeback for her original parking fee

Few government agencies carry out their tasks with as much zeal and reckless abandon as local parking enforcement. Park your vehicle in the wrong place, and you can guarantee that they'll be there—watching, waiting, with foam frothing around their mouth—you'll have a ticket on your windscreen faster than a prairie fire with a tailwind. But sometimes, it doesn't matter if you parked in the wrong place… Sometimes, you still get ticked despite doing everything you possibly could have. And, once th…
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'You should have just paid the ticket': Landlord gives tenant expired permit, then refuses to pay parking ticket

'You should have just paid the ticket': Landlord gives tenant expired permit, then refuses to pay parking ticket

Landlords use their ability to make their tenant's life miserable way too often, but sometimes tenants square up, and landlords need to face the bitter consequences of their actions. People say that petty revenge is for children, but I disagree and don't think that there is a particular age limit to getting so sweet payback on your landlord who owes you some money. In this case, OP had just graduated college and was looking for a place he could rent with a couple of friends. They found an apart…
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'[My] boyfriend was wrongfully towed from our complex, I got revenge':Tenant gets one over on towing company in rare victory

'[My] boyfriend was wrongfully towed from our complex, I got revenge':Tenant gets one over on towing company in rare victory

Parking is always a drama in hotly-contested high-density residential areas where there isn't nearly as much space as people are wanting to park their vehicles, leading to petty squabbles and growing resentment—all over a parking space that they might not even have an actual claim to. Usually, things come to a boil when park and riders, looking to take advantage of parking spaces close to the city, wise up to the free parking and begin parking to walk or bus the remaining distance, taking up re…
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parking ticket revenge petty revenge entitled reddit thread Reddit parking entitled people - 20122629

'He got five tickets': Dude parks boat across all handicapped parking spaces at restaurant, diner gets revenge

Some parking rules are ridiculous, but this guy very much got what he deserved.
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‘Fine, I’ll Play the System’ : Man Commutes 175 Miles per Day to Work, Company Refuses to Reimburse Him for Transit, Leading to Malicious Compliance

‘Fine, I’ll Play the System’ : Man Commutes 175 Miles per Day to Work, Company Refuses to Reimburse Him for Transit, Leading to Malicious Compliance

Committing to a 6+ hour commute to work every day is a superpower that most of us cannot claim to have. I certainly wouldn't be willing to do that under any circumstance. This Redditer told his impressive tale of malicious compliance, where he beat the system that was designed to fail, after asking his company to reimburse his travel costs. At the time he was living in San Diego, working in Downtown Los Angeles (that's a 175-mile per day commute). He was in the middle of studying for an exam th…
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There's No Denying it Now

parking ticket monday thru friday license plate - 8247784960
Via Xuuxij

So Satisfying

parking ticket monday thru friday work - 8186309632
Via Dionysiandogma

The Old "Parking Ticket Gamble"

saw parking ticket prank g rated win - 7159334656
Via Reddit

No Exceptions!

parking ticket Sweden - 6854357248

Avoiding a Wheel Lock WIN

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darth vader parking ticket star wars ticket Video - 38436609

Darth Vader Gets a Parking Ticket

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Avoiding a Ticket WIN

helpful nice parking parking ticket police Random Acts Of Kindness ticket - 5536318208
Via Reddit

Parking Ticket FAIL

cars failboat fine g rated parking parking ticket police - 4798282240
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