parking lot

‘She looked absolutely apoplectic’: Karen receives fines amounting to $1,000 for taking up two disabled parking spaces with her car

‘She looked absolutely apoplectic’: Karen driver receives fines amounting to $1,000 for taking up two disabled parking spaces with her car

'Hurry it up!': Impatient Karen refuses to wait until parking space becomes available, other woman takes her sweet time

'Hurry it up!': Impatient Karen refuses to wait until parking space becomes available, other woman takes her sweet time

People of Walmart karens karens in the wild Walmart karen parking-drama parking space parking lot parking - 22065413

'That's my car!': Dude watches enraged male-Karen mistakenly destroy his own car

'I had proof I was within my rights': Tenant turns parking spot she can't use into rentable space after manager insists she has to pay up

'I had proof I was within my rights': Tenant turns parking spot she can't use into rentable space after manager insists she has to pay up

'Bad karma, buddy': Dude flips off neighbor after trying to park in someone else's assigned parking spot

'Bad karma, buddy': Dude flips off neighbor after trying to park in someone else's assigned parking spot

'You can't park here’: Karen gets citation after demanding deaf woman move car to handicapped space, stating ‘normal’ spots are for non handicapped people

'You can't park here’: Karen gets citation after demanding deaf woman move car to handicapped space, stating ‘normal’ spots are for non handicapped people

'That's a cross walk, not a parking spot': 20+ Drivers that need to practice parking

'That's a cross walk, not a parking spot': 20+ Breathtakingly bad parking jobs

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'[She] ended up hitting the cruiser': Driver trying to cut up the shoulder in traffic runs into a conveniently placed police cruiser

parking lot revenge cars petty revenge reddit thread Reddit parking entitled people - 20356869

'Block me in, I'll block you in': Couple blocks guy's car in lot, guy blocks their car from exiting, watches them drive over spikes

I put a fake note on a Corvettes windshield that read "Sorry I hit your car, you probably won't even notice the damage" because it was taking up four spots.

'You probably won't even notice': Driver shares their solution for dealing with a parking spot hog

'This is not an HOA': Resident files stacks of complaints against neighbor, neighbor has enough and gets resident's motor home towed

'This is not an HOA': Resident has their motorhome towed after filing stacks of complaints against their neighbor

Neighbor took my parking spot after I shoveled. I poured water in his windshield.

'I poured water on his windshield': Man freezes out his neighbor after snow shoveling snafu

'The woman laughed and made a whiney noise, mimicking me. She had no idea who she was messing with.' : Entitled Karen teases woman and steals her parking space, leading to wild revenge

'The woman laughed and made a whiney noise, mimicking me. She had no idea who she was messing with.' : Entitled Karen teases woman and steals her parking space, leading to wild revenge

‘I’m Gonna Get You for This...’ : Man Enacts Petty Plot for Revenge Following Property Damage Inflicted by Tyrannical Neighbor

‘I’m Gonna Get You for This...’ : Man Enacts Petty Plot for Revenge Following Property Damage Inflicted by Tyrannical Neighbor

Park across 2 spaces so nobody parks next to you? Challenge accepted!

'HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET IN!': Entitled parkers try to take multiple parking spots and leave one tiny one, dude accepts their challenge

karens parking space parking lot revenge petty revenge parking-wars entitled reddit thread Reddit karen parking entitled people - 17817861

Insane Karen Engages in 'Parking War' With Disabled Veteran, He Gets Revenge