
parking drama

neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor pro revenge parking space parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama parking stories petty reveng

Condo-dweller has neighbor's car clamped for parking in their spot, costing them only $100 but igniting parking feud: 'They are now repeatedly demanding I pay them the 100 bucks they spent to unclamp the car'

Neighborhood parking disputes have a way of unraveling quickly into lasting grudges: passive-aggressive notes and relentless attempts to get even for perceived slights. Living in close proximity to other people requires tact, understanding, and communal goodwill. It's surprising how many people don't get this or otherwise refuse to engage in simple pleasantries and goodwill. And it really baffles the mind how many people seemingly feel entitled to their neighbor's property and simply refuse to…
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hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor pro revenge parking space parking lot

Self-appointed HOA neighborhood enforcer tells homeowner he can't park in front of his house, he maliciously complies: 'I thought you wanted me to park in my driveway?'

Cars and the parking of them is just one of those things that's always going to cause issues… When it comes to where you're looking to leave your one-ton hunk of metal on wheels, everyone has their own ideas about where you should or shouldn't, regardless of whether or not their ideas are in accordance with any actual laws or rules… Even if you're parking in front of your own home, there's bound to be some neighborhood busybody around just itching to tell you that you shouldn't do it. That's wh…
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pro revenge parking space parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama parking stories petty revenge Boss business business owner Tags

Neighboring business owners start parking feud forcing boss to create permanent solution: 'It's out of our control now'

Sometimes, you're better off leaving well enough alone, and when someone offers you an olive branch over a petty disagreement that you're completely in the wrong on anyway, you're definitely better off just taking it and letting sleeping dogs lie. Yet, the thing with entitlement is you're probably not likely or able to do so, taking everything to its absolute limit in your attempt to get the world to finally realize that your wishes are more important than the reality of the situation. And it's…
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 neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor pro revenge parking space parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama parking stories petty revenge

Neighbor parks in homeowner's front yard declaring it to be a "community parking area," gets towed :'She parked in my front yard'

Simply declaring something to be true doesn't automatically make it so… and if you want to use your neighbor's property as your personal parking space, you can't just tell them that you've decided it's community property. Therefore, you have the right to park there. Some people just don't take no for an answer, and it's pretty clear here that this neighbor has some serious boundary issues, both conceptually and literally, that weren't going to improve without facing some consequences. If you gi…
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pro revenge hoa neighbors parking space parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket neighborhood revenge parking drama homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories parking stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 37491717

Neighbor keeps taking woman's assigned spot, she plays and beats her at her own game: 'It took two days before she started leaving notes on my car asking me to stop'

It's often said that you should never stoop to someone else's level and, instead, take the high road and go on to live a better life, beating them through their inability to affect you. Well, truth be told, that's not really all that much fun, and it's not very practical at times since it doesn't really solve the immediate problem at hand. And when that immediate problem at hand is your daily at-home parking situation—well, it's kind of hard to just walk away and ignore it since, you know, you…
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hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor entitled entitled people entitled parents

'They refused to move their car blocking my driveway': Entitled person parks car in front of driveway and refuses to move when asked,

Family is difficult, perhaps even one of the most difficult things—even when the relationships are fairly “traditional” and straightforward. Let's be honest, though: what is straightforward? Is there even really a straightforward when it comes to family? The reality is that there hardly ever is, and the ones that pretend
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pro revenge neighbors parking space parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket neighborhood revenge parking drama homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories parking stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 35786245

Neighbors lay claim to shared driveway by blocking access to the entire thing with an errantly parked vehicle: 'Their truck is parked diagonally'

Parking is one of those things that is always going to cause issues when limited spots are of any concern. People just don't know how to behave rationally when scarcity of resources is at hand, and the monkey part of their brain takes over. Still, when you have your own driveway, even if it's shared, you'd sort of expect that your side of it would remain accessible to you (and you alone) without issue—unfortunately, inconsiderate neighbors mean this is not always the case. In this case, these n…
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hoa neighbors parking space parking lot parking ticket neighborhood revenge parking drama homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories parking stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 35727365

Entitled neighbor refuses to move their car, tow truck moves it for them: '[I] called up the tow company and watched'

Assigned and paid for parking spaces are one of those things that will drive even the most sane and level headed among us to the brink—and we're not claiming to be even the most sane and level headed. The fierce competition that emerges for the limited parking spaces—with high costs associated—is intense driving tenants to extraordinary lengths. This exacerbated by the fact that apartment complexes with inbuilt garages never have enough spaces for each unit in the building often meaning that th…
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pro revenge neighbors parking space drama parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama parking stories petty revenge neighbor drama neighbor - 25769477

Karen neighbor accuses biker of trying to reserve the best spot, malicious compliance ensues: 'Ok, I'll stop parking both my bikes in one spot'

Ahh yes… Parking disputes. A source of disputation between neighbors for as long as man has employed means of vehicular transport that needed to be stored somewhere in times of disuse. The need for storage space has long been a source of petty territorial badgering, especially when your neighbor has stored their carriage in the most convenient part of the communal space where you had been intending to store yours. The level-headed thing to do would be to park yours in the less convenient place…
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workplace discussion pro revenge employment issues boss antiwork workplace-stories jobs parking space employment-discussion job parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama work parking stories petty revenge workplace Horrible Bosses contractor employment in the workplace - 25778437

Boss threatens contractor's job when they park in the public parking space the boss normally uses, contractor gets even: 'I'm told that this boss gets the say on my contract and doesn't need a reason to end my contract'

The willingness of superiors to apply rules to themselves that they make for others speaks volumes to the character and quality of an organization. An undercurrent of issues surrounding fairness in leadership can give you a great indication of the toxicity of the workplace. This reaches levels of ridiculousness that can't be rationalized when it begins involving matters that aren't even specifically related to your performance or time that you spend at work and begins leaching into personal and…
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'The cops [and tow company] laughed at her': Woman throws tantrum for getting ‘unreasonably’ towed after parking in front of neighbor's driveway before leaving to ‘Burning Man' for a week, gets laughed at

'The cops [and tow company] laughed at her': Woman throws tantrum for getting ‘unreasonably’ towed after parking in front of neighbor's driveway before leaving to ‘Burning Man' for a week, gets laughed at

One of the perks of living in a quaint neighborhood are the kind neighbors. It gives you a feeling of secuirty and safety, being surrounded by all these people who you usually at least know on a first name basis. So what happens when someone moves in and lives in their own little entitled world?
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parking space parking lot tow truck malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama towing parking stories petty revenge parking - 24537861

'[My] car is gone': Tenant pays in small change for fraudulent towing charge when their car is incorrectly towed from their snowy apartment complex parking lot

There will be plenty of times in your life when things seem completely unfair. Plenty of these times will involve incorrectly awarded parking infringements… Should this tenant have just moved their vehicle like everyone else so that the snow plow could do a clean sweep of the lot? Sure. But, by the time they had gotten out there and removed the remaining snow from around their vehicle that should have been the end of it. Just because a rule exists doesn't mean it needs to be enforced to the let…
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hoa neighbors parking space parking lot parking ticket neighborhood revenge parking drama homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories parking stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 24497157

Homeowner writes scathing note to HOA Karen who tried to tow their car from in front of their own home: 'She called the cops on me'

Constant proximity to other people—without any recourse or avenues for escape—is maddening. I guarantee, if you were locked in a room, even with your favorite person in the world, it wouldn't take long (and even less time than you'd think) before you'd grow sick of the sight of them and tired of the sound of their voice, wishing their mouth would stay shut every time they breathed. Say now, that you don't even like this person. Worse yet, you have your entire life savings and livelihood investe…
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hoa neighbors parking space parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket neighborhood revenge parking drama homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories parking stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 23900677

'She couldn't get it out': Lazy neighbor pays the ice when her car gets snowed over after stealing her neighbors' already cleared spots

In stories, when a character has done something wrong or displays a glaring personality flaw, there's generally a direct price that is played at some point in the story, usually soon thereafter. In life, there are relatively few times when the lesson or moral to the story of your wrongful actions is quite so clear. No, usually, we get away with being generally lazy, cruel, entitled, or plain old wrong for far too long before that karmic pendulum swings back in our direction… sometimes, we may e…
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pro revenge karens parking space parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama parking stories petty revenge karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 23805957

'I don't own a car': Karen accuses guy of parking too close to her car in a truck that isn't his

There's something startling about being accused of slighting someone and doing them wrong—especially when you don't even have any idea what they're talking about. Maybe it's the actual confrontation itself; maybe it's just your mind trying to make sense of it all, but usually, you're going to find yourself caught too off guard to formulate a proper response to the events that are unfolding in front of you.
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parking space parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama parking stories petty revenge - 23783941

'He waited [for] 30 minutes': Driver demands dude's parking spot, he decides to stay

What is it about perceived petty slights, such as another driver cutting us off in traffic, that drive us into such a rage? Instances that, if we chose instead not to react, would go by completely inconsequentially and unnoticed by us. Usually, the idea of face-to-face confrontation alone will cause those who would otherwise want to take issue with another's behavior to quail. But while seated in a car, that thin layer of anonymity and safety provided to us by our steel box with glass windows e…
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