
parents of teens

‘He’s a tyrant who lacks discipline': Woman yells at her friend when their spoiled 4-year-old throws wife's wedding ring out of the window, gets shamed by friend group

‘He’s a tyrant who lacks discipline': Woman yells at her friend when their spoiled 4-year-old throws wife's wedding ring out of the window, gets shamed by friend group

How a parent disciplines their child is unique to each family, and you must respect that. A child has to learn what is kind and what is unkind, and what is socially acceptable and not—that is the importance of discipline.
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'The best customers I've had in weeks were kids': Longtime servers share memorable moments of kids outshining the adults as ideal customers

Kids get a bad reputation in the service industry. However, anyone who has ever worked at a family restaurant know the truth—it's always the parents. Kids will be kids, we all know that, and it's up to the parents or guardians to teach their kids how to behave. So when an adult allows their tiny human to run around a restaurant like it's their personal playroom, of course everyone working there is going to be annoyed. Other than the fact that it's a real danger for your kid to be doing that whi…
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