
Video of kids reacting to parents telling them that they're pregnant is ridiculous.

Shocked Kid Experiences Every Emotion When Parents Tell Her They're Pregnant

Funny collection of adult-humored jokes that managed to sneak onto kids movies and cartoon shows.

23 Dirty Adult-Humored Jokes That Snuck Onto Kids Cartoons And Movies

Clever Dad Trolls Daughter By Recreating Her Selfies With Stunning Accuracy

Clever Dad Trolls Daughter By Recreating Her Selfies With Stunning Accuracy

Guy's Chinese tattoo translates to the most dad joke possible.

Guy's Ridiculous Chinese Tattoo's The Most Dad Joke Ever

Guy's hilarious prank on mom goes viral for most obvious reason possible.

Guy's Hilarious Snapchat Prank On Mom Goes Viral For Being Pure Genius

Video of dad calmly saving his daughter from falling off a bridge while his wife films them together.

Dad Of The Year Calmly Saves Daughter From Falling Off Bridge!

Video of parents telling their kids that they ate their Halloween candy is full of cringe.

Parents Telling Their Kids They Ate Their Halloween Candy Makes For Hilariously Twisted Results

Video of mom stealing bowl of Halloween candy in front of children.

Worst Mom Ever Steals Bowl Of Halloween Candy In Front Of Children

Signs You Might Be Turning Into Your Parents

20 Signs You Might Be Turning Into Your Parents

Donald Trump insulting the media in front of children for press event inspires ridiculous reactions on Twitter.

Watch Donald Trump Bash Media In Front Of Children

Kid gets revenge on his older brothers for tying him up after school.

Adorable Kid Gets Amazing Revenge On Older Brothers For Tying Him Up After School

Mom trying to potty train her son makes a shocking discovery in his hidden drawer and shares picture on Twitter.

Mom Trying To Potty Train Her Son Makes Shocking Discovery In His Hidden Drawer

Dad shames his son on Facebook after finding his fake ID in hilarious place.

Clever Dad Publicly Shames Son After Finding HIs Fake ID In Hilarious Place

Ryan Reynolds has funny tweet about wanting to start a new life on his 41st birthday.

Parents React Hilariously After Ryan Reynolds Tweets He's Starting New Life On His Birthday

People react on Twitter to the way that this dad puts his daughter to bed and it's hilarious.

Twitter Can't Get Enough Of This Dad's Method For Putting His Daughter To Bed

Video of adorable little girl talking on phone in imaginary conversation is overwhelming with cuteness.

Watching This Adorable Baby Talk On The Phone Will Overwhelm You With Cuteness