
Controlling mom wants guy to install tracking app, he doesn't.

Hyper Controlling Mom Wants To Track Kid At College

Children making messes and generally being terrible.

Messy and Convincing Reasons to Not Have Kids

Rob Lowe's sons love to troll him on Instagram over his pictures and captions.

Rob Lowe Trolling His Sons On Instagram (19 Images)

Twitter users share their best "spoiled kids complaints."

20 Twitter Users Share Their Best "Spoiled Kids Complaints"

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25 Weird and Dumb Punishments People Received from Their Parents

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Florida Mom Accidentally Locks Her Baby Inside Of A Hot Car, Officer Breaks Window To Save The Day

Stories of children's weird flexes.

35 People's Kids' "Weird Flex, but Okay" Moments

TIFU thread about kid who asked parents about divorced and found out it was his fault

Kid Asks Mom Too Many Questions About Her Divorce, Learns They Played Instrumental Role In Separation

Nice mom spontaneously decides to adopt a gigantic mastiff and her puppies.

Saintly Mom Spontaneously Decides To Adopt Gigantic Mastiff And Her Puppies From Humane Society

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Pregnant Woman Covers Town In Graffiti To Try And Get Absent Baby Daddy To Call Her

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Marshawn Lynch In Heated Confrontation With Football Moms After Cussing At Their Kids

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25 Parents Share What They Know Their Kids are Hiding from Them

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Kid Picks Up Leaf Blower And Starts Displaying Supervillain Tendencies

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Vegan Restaurant Owner Snaps At Customer On Facebook Over Complaint About Their Disruptive Kid

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Guy Mistakenly Added To Soccer Moms Group Text, So He Says His Kid Is The Best

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30 Marriage and Parenting Jokes and Memes for the Overwhelmed