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Scummy Scammer Neighbor Has Kids Shovel Woman's Driveway Without Asking, Demands Payment

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Mean Girl Kicks Girl Out of Her Birthday Party, Stellar Mother Irate, Takes Back Presents

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Dumb Times Kids Proved That They're Strange Creatures

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Bride Loses it When Sister Brings Her "Child" to Bride's Childfree Wedding, That Child is 19 Years Old

Tiktok goes viral of a girl who's dad strategically made her cry in order to teach her how to drive in tears, strategic trauma,

Dad Forces Teenage Girl to Drive While Crying as "Strategic Trauma" to Teach Her a Life Lesson in Viral TikTok

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Entitled Parent Bullies Kids Off Playground, Wonders If They're In The Wrong

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Scumbag Dad Abandons His Dying Mother, Demands Money When She Disinherits Him

AITA for telling my parents that I make more than both my siblings when they told me to get a real job

Childcare Worker Gives Her Parents A Much-Needed Reality Check After They Criticize Her Line of Work, Prompts Ire From Siblings

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Entitled Husband Expects House to Be Spotless But Won’t Help With the Cleaning, Brings Guests Over Without Notice

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Dad Finds Out Wife Cheated on Him For Years, Kids Might Not Be His, Threatens to Cut Them Off If They Don't Get a DNA Test

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Mother-In-Law Forcefully Grabs Grand-Baby From Its Mother, Then Demands Apology

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Mom Confiscates Son's Gameboy as Punishment and Hides it.... For 18 Years

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Psychotic Daughter Gifts Breast Cancer Survivor Step-Mother Horribly Cruel Christmas Present

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Wholesome Dads Whose Daughters Gave Them Makeovers

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Husband Books His Wife and Daughter in For a Pedicure, Daughter Misunderstands, Wholesome Chaos Ensues

A wholesome and hilarious post about a funny dad.

Tumblr Thread: A Wholesome And Hilarious Dad