
reddit thread family drama aita childfree children child kids having-kids parent parents parenting in-laws wife husband married marriage babies baby pressure couple

'Back off and wait for us to be ready': Childfree couple snaps when tenacious parents pressure them to have kids immediately

server server-life service-industry restaurant parent parenting parents toddler toddlers baby babies tip tips tipped tipping waiter waitress reddit

'Babies heads are hard': Server gets tipped 40% after accidentally kicking a breakaway toddler on a busy night, chill mom proves to be down-to-earth

pro revenge landlord revenge landlords parenting renting petty-revenge-reddit revenge-stories revenge-stories-reddit - 24100357

'I stopped paying rent': Tenant gets back at terrible landlord by building a case against them and taking them to court


'The best customers I've had in weeks were kids': Longtime servers share memorable moments of kids outshining the adults as ideal customers

teacher teachers school schools snow-day snow-days snow bad-weather weather frozen freeze canceled school-is-canceled parents parent bad-parents bad-parenting

'People don't like their own kids': Teacher openly roasts the parents complaining about snow days

neighborhood neighbor wholesome cute adorable kids neighborhood-kids snow snow-shovel shovelling-snow business business proposition kiddo cute-kids parenting parents

‘I am the leader/boss. I am also cool and nice’: Heartwarming local boys win over the neighborhood with their lovable snow shoveling business proposal

'He needs more money than his brother': Father gives younger son bigger inheritance than the older, based on their in-laws’ financial state

'He needs more money than his brother': Father gives younger son bigger inheritance than the older, based on their in-laws’ financial state

kid kids child son parenting parent parents funny bring-to-work work workplace quit quitting resign resignation spill-the-beans employee worker employees ceo bosses funny boss lol family

'DADDY'S LOOKING FOR A NEW JOB!': Employee's kid spills the beans to the whole office that his dad is on the verge of quitting

reddit stories family drama amitheahole aita parenting parenting stories family - 23942149

Aunt wants niece to change her name, adoptive mom's not having it: 'She was being ridiculous'

reddit, petty-revenge, r-pettyrevenge, failblog, mom-revenge, 8-months-pregnant, parking-spot-fued

‘I was so fed up’: Guy keeps parking in spot designated for woman who is 8 months pregnant, HOA doesn't allow towing him, so mom-to-be takes matters into her own hands

‘She never planned to pay me’: Woman places a $250 order for same-day pick up, then flips the script when presented with products

‘She never planned to pay me’: Woman places a $250 order for same-day pick up, then flips the script when presented with products

‘He gave them a perfect score’: Student's parent spends $6 on their class assignment to get back at the teacher, leading to 70 kids getting 110% scores on their class final

‘He gave them a perfect score’: Student's parent spends $6 on their class assignment to get back at the teacher, leading to 70 kids getting 110% scores on their class final

‘You probably have some quiet neighbors then’: Top Dad Jokes of the Year

‘You probably have some quiet neighbors then’: Top Dad Jokes of the Year

‘I refuse to accommodate her': Former mother-in-law refuses to attend Christmas dinner unless it's on ‘her terms’

‘I refuse to accommodate her': Former mother-in-law refuses to attend Christmas dinner unless it's on ‘her terms’

'Did you forget that 2 weeks literally told us we were going to love the party?': Entitled neighbors don't invite couple to Christmas party after talking about it for 6 months, instead asked them to babysit their kids

'Did you forget that 2 weeks literally told us we were going to love the party?': Entitled neighbors don't invite couple to Christmas party after talking about it for 6 months, instead ask them to babysit

‘Take your sob story somewhere else': Woman arrives at hotel to check into $1200 room with only $350 in her wallet

‘Take your sob story somewhere else': Woman arrives at hotel to check into $1200 room with only $350 in her wallet