
parenting stories

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Dad says to dig a hole and don't stop "until I tell you," kid digs a hole over 6ft deep: 'There was a momentary look of shock on his face'

Back in the late 90s and early 2000s there was this book about kids who go to a labor camp to dig holes and learn how to not be little terrors. This book, and later accompanying film, were, of course, known as Holes —a fitting title if you've ever seen one. Anyways, yeah, the kids dig holes to build character—a “hole” lot of other stuff happens in the process that doesn't necessarily relate to digging holes… something about this guy and this donkey in this boat with these onions, but I don't wa…
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Aunt wants niece to change her name, adoptive mom's not having it: 'She was being ridiculous'

Names are a dime a dozen, and—a bit like an ileum… everyone has one. The first time in your life that you meet another kid with the same name as you is also the first time you realize that you're quite as special as mommy says you are… You're just one in a sea of hundreds of thousands with the same name as you. Heck, as you get older and learn how to search your name on Google, you realize that you aren't even the only one around with the same first and last name combination—queue a lifelong fe…
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