parenting fail

reddit stories christmas aita internet bad parenting parenting santa santa claus Parenting Fail Parenting FAILS - 23160325

'Santa is a huge part of Christmas!': Parent criticized for telling 6-year-old daughter that santa isn't real

'My cousin gave me a picture of herself for Christmas': 15 folks share the worst gifts they have ever received

'My cousin gave me a picture of herself for Christmas': 15 folks share the worst gifts they have ever received

'Your adult children don't talk to you and you don't know why': 20+ signs of a trashy parent

'Your adult children don't talk to you and you don't know why': 20+ signs of a trashy parent

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'[The kids] basically cried the whole way': Entitled mother doesn't understand why other airline passengers are upset with her noisy kids, thinks it's worse for her

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Top Dad Jokes of the Week (November 4, 2023)

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'The parents want to meet with me': Teacher scolded for ripping up cheating students' tests

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'[He] wants my 1963 Fender': Musician refuses to give her $3,000 vintage guitar to her teenaged stepson; stands her ground even when accosted by family

'All she does is pitch fits': Karen Mom calls the cops on her 5-year-old daughter for crying, cops arrest Karen

'All she does is pitch fits': Karen Mom calls the cops on her 5-year-old daughter for crying, officer arrests Karen

'Your daughter was baiting seagulls into the playground with gummy worms': 25+ Times kids were funny without even trying

'Your daughter was baiting seagulls into the playground with gummy worms': 25+ Times kids were completely hilarious without even trying

'Foolish, FOOLISH man': Husband complains his wife should have dinner ready because she does nothing all day, she maliciously complies and refuses to clean anything

'Foolish, FOOLISH man': Husband complains his wife should have dinner ready because she does nothing all day, she maliciously complies and refuses to clean anything

'My coworker named her baby Strawberry Rain': 20+ cringeworthy baby names

'My coworker named her baby Strawberry Rain': 20+ cringeworthy baby names

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'Parents are unbelievably delusional': Teachers share out-of-pocket requests from the parents of their students

'After a week with no electronics, it finally happened': Father takes son's devices, makes himself late for work

'After a week with no electronics, it finally happened': Father takes son's electronics, only to have the punishment backfire on him

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'She purposely dumped coffee on a kid': Wife teaches friend's kid a hard lesson when parents refuse to intervene, parents freak out

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'An anonymous individual began stealing my sandwiches': Dude accidentally feeds sandwich stealing child a really spicy sandwich

'Update: She was yelling and stomping': Roommate threatens to sue woman for putting vegetables in the food the roommate is trying to steal

'Update: She was yelling and stomping': Roommate threatens to sue woman for putting vegetables in the food the roommate is trying to steal