
childcare teens aita kids teenagers moms parenting dad reddit thread parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS reddit story etiquette

Parents object to 16-year-old getting a job after they repeatedly refuse to pay for the care of his 3 younger siblings, aged 12, 10, and 7 years old: 'I reminded them that they get what they pay for'

childcare Babies teens aita kids teenagers moms parenting reddit thread parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS - 37492485

Aunt demands 13-year-old niece's $500 backpack, one of 50 that she owns, starting rift in the family: '[She] thinks I'm being selfish'

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Mother takes a stand declaring that she won't be attending any events that her 4-year-old and 6-year-old children can't attend: 'I said I wouldn’t attend if my kids weren’t invited'

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'Glad I only got them a $20 gift card': Cash-grab wedding goes viral when the bride and groom serve nothing but supermarket sheet cake and honeymoon fund QR codes

childcare teens aita kids teenagers moms parenting dad reddit thread parent Reddit raising kids parents children stepfather step family siblings Tags

Mother and stepfather try to force 16-year-old to take his half and step-siblings to the waterpark with his grandparents: 'She's worried the other kids will feel left out'

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Siblings Refuse to Pool Their College Fund With Dad's Love Child, Tension Crackles as He Guilt-Trips the Whole Family

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'I'm the talk of their office [now]': Lawyer snaps on a feral 7-year-old kid after 'hands-off' parents let them terrorize the entire office building

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Step-mother won't drive 12 and 13-year-old step-daughters to dance class 50 minutes away, painting her as the villain, she wonders if she's wrong: 'Their mom's negativity changed how they treat me'

teens aita kids teenagers moms parenting reddit thread parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS family family drama Family feud brother

42-year-old mother upset that 18-year-old daughter won't be her "emotional support" at family gatherings: '[She] said I’m being selfish'

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16-year-old daughter wonders why she's not "celebrated" Mother tells her it's because she doesn't do anything: '[She] did not take it well'

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Nanny makes mother regret telling her not to parent her children, allowing the kids free reign before quitting on the spot: 'Don't try to parent my children!'

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'Figure out how to grow up at 53': Man-baby lives rent-free for 53 years by mooching off of his parents and then gets left with no inheritance when Dad wises up to a lifetime of freeloading

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'[You're] cut off': Solo-earning husband catches his wife spending $1000+ on takeout every month, he retaliates by kneecapping her financially and canceling all of their credit cards

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'His budget looked like it was based on costs from the 90s': Prideful parents squander $300,000+ of their retirement funds because they refuse to listen to their experienced son-in-law

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'We [don't] need your sob story': Entitled mom tries to force her kids on a friend's 'adults only' birthday party by guilt-tripping the host, gets shown the door

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Colleague Enthusiastically Denies Covering an Entitled Mom's Shift After She Tries to Guilt-Trip Them, Claiming They Don't ‘Have a Life’ Anyway