

'I want my bedroom painted blue, no matter what': Painting company finds workaround for customer who refuses to paint her house white

'I want my bedroom painted blue, no matter what': Painting company finds workaround for customer who refuses to paint her house white

There are some situations in life that require you to get something done now, no matter what the cost. Even if it seems ridiculous to you, sometimes you just absolutely have to get it done . Oftentimes, it's our bosses telling us things like this. You might know the feeling if you've ever been told to overnight a package, knowing it'll cost the company hundreds of dollars, or if you've ever had to work til the wee hours of the morning on a critical project due the next morning. Well, the rules…
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Homeowner gets even with HOA who demanded he remove his boat from driveway: 'I removed it, just like you asked'

Homeowner gets even with HOA who demanded he remove his boat from driveway: 'I removed it, just like you asked'

Your mailbox is a disgrace, and needs a fresh coat of paint, they said. Your flowerbeds are looking a little dull, get a gardener, they said. HOA likes to say a lot of things, and if you don't listen, well, you get fined. That's just how it is, and there isn't much you can do about it. The HOA members are always grumpy, miserable-looking people who have their noses high in the air and think that they're better than everyone else. They don't have much to be proud of in their life, so their lawn…
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'He agreed to buy me replacements... then backtracked': Brother refuses to cancel sibling's debt after his kids ruin expensive art supplies

'He agreed to buy me replacements... then backtracked': Brother refuses to cancel sibling's debt after his kids ruin expensive art supplies

These siblings were trying not to argue in front of the kids, but they just can't agree on who needs to repay who . Children will get into everything that they can. They don't always understand the concept of valuable items. They have no problem throwing food on the floor, breaking plates or vases, or keying your car, just to name a few examples. Their brains simply aren't developed enough to know why some things are more important to grown-ups than others. That's why it's usually the responsib…
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'What I asked for vs. what I got': 20 Major nail fails that were not worth the money

'What I asked for vs. what I got': 20 Major nail fails that were not worth the money

Imagine paying for these nail polish nightmares … Well, a lot of people did just that, as they shared with photos that tell the whole story. Getting your nails done is a lovely treat, but it doesn't come cheap. When you go to the salon, you show the nail artist your dream nails, and you just hope they have the skills to do so. Not every manicurist can do it, and it seems like a lot of them need more practice. That won't stop some nail artists from charging high prices, as a few of the people wi…
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'I know full well what is going to happen': Boss tells employee to wash off sidewalk graffiti and 'only wash where the paint is'

'I know full well what is going to happen': Boss tells employee to wash off sidewalk graffiti and 'only wash where the paint is'

This boss saw graffiti outside his business and decided to do the funniest thing possible. Not that he intended to… but his employee got a kick out of it regardless. So you've had a bad experience with a company. What do you do about it? You might want to call up and speak to a manager, and that may net you a gift card or some coupons. Or if you're still upset about it and the place won't right their wrongs, you could leave a one-star review to warn others. This person was ready to break the la…
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'I was working for free': Contractor paints a curse word on his friend's wall in paint primer, outraged spouse demands an apology

'I was working for free': Contractor paints a curse word on his friend's wall in paint primer, outraged spouse demands an apology

When you're with your friends, someone is bound to play a practical joke or poke fun at one of the group members. It's just how it works. But what if the friend's spouse isn't on board and takes a joke to heart? And then your friend takes their spouse's side? That's exactly what happened to this OP when his petty joke went a little too far.
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'This was a gift to myself': Woman lets her kids spill paint on her sister-in-law's expensive fabric, replaces it with cheap cloth as an apology

'This was a gift to myself': Woman lets her kids spill paint on her sister-in-law's expensive fabric, replaces it with cheap cloth as an apology

This SIL went out of her way to use the wrong “tablecloth.”
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'The landlord requested a new paint job': Sailors get back at landlord by painting his rental property from floor to roof

'The landlord requested a new paint job': Sailors get back at landlord by painting his rental property from floor to roof

This sailor is sticking to the honor code to help people in his community. Not everyone agrees with his hands-on methods, though. The people of the internet are divided over this guy's grandfather's story of malicious compliance. It's a classic tale of landlord versus tenant. Unless you live in a rent stabilized building, your landlord can charge you basically whatever they feel is fair for rent. This is a big problem these days, since many of us are priced out of living in even the most modest…
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'He has no idea what's next': Resident meddles with neighbor's plans to construct a roof for elderly father, so neighbor builds 80-foot wall

'He has no idea what's next': Resident meddles with neighbor's plans to construct a roof for elderly father, so neighbor builds 80-foot wall

One grumpy, 'neighborly' man took things too far when he blocked the road, not allowing construction workers to drive through to his fellow neighbor's property, to build a roof for their elderly, 93-year-old father. This neighbor, who we will call OP, told the story on u/pettyrevenge, and at the end of it, asked people which color would be the most unattractive color to paint a fence. Obviously, not his own side. But let's start at the beginning. What happened goes as follows… OP's neighbor blo…
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'The painters asked multiple times if they were sure': Homeowner couple follow HOA rules by painting their house in bright neon shade

'The painters asked multiple times if they were sure': Homeowner couple follow HOA rules by painting their house in bright neon shade

This HOA member had a personal vendetta against her neighbors. It seems like this is one of those stories of neighbors who have bad blood. Oftentimes, a small issue will spark an argument that goes unresolved. Then, over years or even decades, a feud between neighbors begins until eventually they're nemeses. These fights can get so personal — because they're your neighbor, they probably know your work schedule, who you live with, and any number of other personal tidbits about your life. The sto…
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New car buyer won't pay for pinstriped vehicle, dealership repaints his car overnight

'I went full Karen mode': New car haggler refuses to pay for pinstriped vehicle, dealership repaints his car overnight

Looking back on their new purchase in the 1990s, this person realized the car dealership got away with something intriguing. This is a story of a person buying a car in the 1990s, and one of the first things they claim is that these days, the “era of haggling” is over. Though I've never bought a car, I find that hard to believe. When purchasing a car, it's well known that people like to haggle with the salespeople to try and get a great deal for themselves. Meanwhile, the salespeople often have…
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'I smiled and waited for Joe to clock in': Customer wants a male employee help her, so department manager agrees

'I smiled and waited for Joe to clock in': Demanding customer insists a male employee help her, cue malicious compliance by department manager

One manager didn't bother telling a demanding customer she was wrong… she found out eventually all by herself. Customer service workers deserve to make at least $15 million per year, and if I was President, I would make it happen. These jobs are some of the lowest paid, and all the while you have to work with customers who don't really want your help, they just want to complain. The longer you work in customer service , the more you realize that you don't have to put in that much effort. Smile,…
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landlord tries evicting tenants, they win in court and paint all their walls black

Scum Lord Tries Evicting Tenants On False Evidence, They Get Revenge In Court and Paint

What a not great guy.
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funny stories about the strangest colors people had to match at paint stores

The Weirdest Colors Paint Store Employees Had To Match

When someone walks in and wants a can of "leg."
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A very realistic Santa Clause drawn in Microsoft Paint

A Way Too Realistic Santa Clause Drawn in MS Paint

Ah, the lost art.
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graffiti that uses its environment

22 Imaginative Pieces of Graffiti That Used Their Environments

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